
2 unusual facts about Porta

Battle of Sarantaporo

The Greek offensive against the Ottoman position began on 9 October, with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divisions attacking the Ottoman main line frontally, the 4th Division attempting a flanking move to the west to bypass the fortifications and thence occupy the Porta pass, in the rear of the Ottoman positions, while the 5th Division was ordered to execute an even wider manoeuvre to the west.

Keys Handover Memorial

Return of the cities, although other Serbian vassal obligation stayed, like to pay tribute to the Porta and holding Turkish flags, means overcoming yet another obstacle in obtaining complete independence, i.e. thus began a new phase in the life of the Serbs.

A. G. Porta

A fictionalized version of Porta appears in Bolaño's posthumously published work Woes of the True Policeman.

Bruno Vespa

In the same year, Vespa found himself at the centre of a political scandal after a telephone conversation he had with Salvatore Sottile, spokesperson for politician Gianfranco Fini, concerning an upcoming episode of Porta a Porta.

Cardinals created by Innocent XI

# Stefano Agostini, datary of His Holiness, titular archbishop of Heraclea – cardinal-priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina (received the title on 22 September 1681), † 21 March 1683

# Jan Kazimierz Denhoff, preceptor of the Hospital S. Spirito in Sassia of Rome – cardinal-priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina (received the title on 30 September 1686), † 20 June 1697

Conrad Porta

Conrad Porta (1541-1585) was a Lutheran pastor of Mansfeld, and author of theologian tracts of the first generation following Martin Luther.

Constructivist epistemology

Friedrich Kratochwil: Constructivism: what it is (not) and how it matters, in Donattela Della Porta & Michael Keating (eds.) 2008, Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 80-98.

Costanzo Porta

In 1552 Porta became maestro di cappella at Osimo Cathedral; in 1565 he took a position in Padua briefly, but took a more important position in Ravenna the next year, where he was hired to build an entirely new music practice at the cathedral.

Edward Sheffield Bartholomew

Among his best-known works are Blind Homer Led by the Genius of Poetry (1851, now in the Metropolitan Museum), Eve, Campagna Shepherd Boy (Peabody Institute), Genius of Painting, Youth and Old Age, Evening Star, Eve Repentant (Wadsworth Atheneum), Washington and Flora, A Monument to Charles Carroll (near Baltimore), Bellsarius at the Porta Pincinia, and Ganymede.


Gedan-no-kamae is called porta di ferro larga ('wide iron door' or 'wide iron gate') in the Italian school of swordsmanship.


Additionally, Italian sculptor Pietro Consagra and Senator Ludovico Corrao formed an open air museum with a Consagra sculpture "Porta del Belice" or "Door to Belice" at the entrance.

Giovanni Volpato

Volpato made excavations in Ostia (1779, with the antiquarian Thomas Jenkins), Porta San Sebastiano (1779) and Quadraro (1780); and sold sculptures to king Gustav III of Sweden (1784), to the Vatican Museums, and to the British collector, Henry Blundell.

Jheronimus Vinders

The Missa Fors seulement is built on the chansons by Antoine de Févin and Matthaeus Pipelare; the Missa Fit porta Christi pervia is based on a plainchant cantus firmus; the Missa Myns liefkens bruyn ooghen uses as its source a secular song in Dutch, by Benedictus Appenzeller; and the Missa Stabat mater uses the motet by Josquin, a composer he evidently admired.

La Porta

La Porta was the birthplace of Horace François Bastien Sébastiani de La Porta (1771–1851), a Corsican soldier and diplomat for Napoleon, and a politician who served as Naval Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of State under the July Monarchy.

Leonardo Garzoni

In the case of Della Porta we are facing a blatant plagiarism, as was already remarked by Niccolò Cabeo (Philosophia Magnetica, Praefatio ad lectorem) and Niccolò Zucchi (Philosophia magnetica…, fols. 62v-63r).

Leopolda railway

Pontedera was reached on 19 October 1845 (19.4 km), Empoli on 21 June 1847 (km 26.8) and the following year on 10 June 1848, the entire 97 km long line was opened to traffic from Livorno San Marco station to Leopolda station, just outside Florence’s city walls at Porta al Prato.

Luciana Pignatelli

The couple had two children: Princess Donna Fabrizia (born 30 January 1956), married to Stephen Fiamma; and Prince Don Diego (born 21 May 1958), a managing director of Warburg Dillon Read in Italy, who married Cristina Prandoni Porta.

Luigi Paoletti Vinea

Among his works are Sul Mugnone alle Cascine, Sulle rive del Calambrone, Seravezza dal ponticino sul Rio grande; Paese presso Livorno; Porta Romana strada cencii, Pianura, Lonely Street, Sull'Arno, and In Casentino.

Mare de Déu del Mont

It has been often mentioned in Catalan literature, having been referred to as Porta del Pirineu, meaning "the Gate of the Pyrenees", among other epithets.

Maria van Eicken

Maria van Eicken (1571 in Brussels – 21 April 1636 in Porta Angelica Monastery, Flaumbach Valley, near Treis-Karden) was the wife of the Margrave Edward Fortunatus of Baden-Baden.


According to dendrochronological research the wooden beams date back to the year 1202; the gate was first given documentary evidence in 1238 as „Porta Sancti Martini“ (Latin Gate of the Holy Martin).

Milano Centrale railway station

The station was designed to replace Porta Tosa station (opened in 1846 as the terminus of the line to Treviglio and eventually Venice) and Porta Nuova station (opened in 1850 as the second terminus on the line to Monza, which was eventually extended to Chiasso) and was interconnected with all lines, either existing or under construction, surrounding Milan.

Milano Porta Genova railway station

Milano Porta Genova is terminus of the regional trains to Mortara, operated by the lombard railway company Trenord.

Plataforma per la Llengua

The Association is supported by a consultative council consisting of Salvador Cardús, Jordi Font, Josep M. López Llaví, Albert Manent, Isidor Marí, Fèlix Martí, Jordi Porta, Jordi Sànchez, Josep Mª Terricabras, Miquel Sellarès, Vicenç Villatoro, Isabel-Clara Simó, Miquel Strubell, Patrícia Gabancho and Abelard Saragossà.

Porta Magenta

Both names "Porta Magenta" and "Porta Vercellina" refer to cities located west of Milan (respectively Magenta and Vercelli).

The gate was renamed "Porta Magenta" in 1860, to celebrate the victorious Battle of Magenta.


Probably because of folk associations between porta "gate, door" and portus "harbor", the "gateway" to the sea, Portunus later became conflated with Palaemon and evolved into a god primarily of ports and harbors.

Renaissance architecture in Portugal

The definitive abandonment of Gothic architecture and the first "pure" Renaissance structures appear later in the 16th century, under King John III, like the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Tomar (1532–40), the Porta Especiosa of Coimbra Cathedral and the Graça Church at Évora (c. 1530-1540), as well as the cloisters of the Cathedral of Viseu (c. 1528-1534) and Convent of Christ in Tomar (John III Cloisters, 1557–1591).

Richard Porta

On 13 September Porta re-debuted for River Plate, scoring on 30 minutes in a 1–1 draw to Rampla Juniors.

Synagogue of Casale Monferrato

The Museum of Lights (‘Museo dei Lumi’) occupies an underground room formerly used for baking Matzot and houses a growing collection of Menorahs created by contemporary Jewish and non-Jewish artists including Elio Carmi, Emanuele Luzzati, Aldo Mondino, Marco Porta, Tobia Ravà, Antonio Recalcati and David Gerstein.

Torino Porta Nuova railway station

Enzo Ferrari 'frequented the "Bar Del Nord", at Porta Nuova, where he met those connected with automobiles and racing when he was working in Torino as a young man, circa 1918-1919.

Torino Porta Susa railway station

The Turin Metro is finishing construction on a metro station near Porta Susa that will connect the station with Porta Nuova and Lingotto.

Weser Valley

Middle Weser Valley, on the North German Plain, the southern part of the Weser Depression between the Porta Westfalica gap and its confluence with the Aller river.

see also