
3 unusual facts about Portuguese Army Commandos

Portuguese Army Commandos

In its history, the commandos were formed in Zemba, Angola, after June 25, 1962, in Quibala, Angola, since June 30, 1963, in Namaacha, Mozambique, since February 13, 1964, in Bra, Guinea, since July 23, 1964, in Luanda, Angola, after June 29, 1965, in Lamego, Portugal, since April 12, 1966 and in Montepuez, Mozambique, after October 1, 1969.

On February 13, 1964, the first Mozambique Commandos Course was initiated in Namaacha (Lourenço Marques, now Maputo) and in 23 July of the same year, in Bra (Guinea-Bissau), the first Guinea Commandos Course.

For the denomination of "commando" see commando; for the Argentine special operations unit see Amphibious Commandos Group; for other special forces with "Commando" in their names see list of special forces units.

António de Spínola

At the same time, he continued to practice a range of initiatives in the War, from clandestine meetings (he met secretly with the President of Senegal, Léopold Sédar Senghor, at one point) to armed incursions to neighbouring states (such as Operation Green Sea, which saw the assault by Portuguese Army Commandos into Conakry, Guinea).

see also