
unusual facts about Posterior


Posterior probability, the conditional probability that is assigned when the relevant evidence is taken into account

Acromyrmex ameliae

Acromyrmex ameliae differs from Acromyrmex insinuator (another social parasite) not only by its size and color (brown dark against yellowish-orange) but as well it does not present a single strong median ruga extending from the central ocellus to the level of the posterior borders of lateral ocelli, like A. insinuator.


The color pattern (dark brown anterior, light, yellow brown posterior) of both is quite rare in ants, although two other myrmicine ants from the same area of rain forest (Xiphomyrma tenuicrius and Lordomyrma sp.) also show it.

Andrés Blanco

Blanco had surgery on his left shoulder on September 29, 2006, to repair a posterior labrum tear in his left shoulder, which he injured during a swing five days prior against the Tigers.

Artistic inspiration

At the same time, he satirized "inspired" radical Protestant ministers who preached through "direct inspiration." In his prefatory materials, he describes the ideal dissenter's pulpit as a barrel with a tube running from the minister's posterior to a set of bellows at the bottom, whereby the minister could be inflated to such an extent that he could shout out his inspiration to the congregation.

Cerberus gene family

Anterior-posterior patterning by Cerberus is accomplished by acting as an antagonist to nodal, bmp, and wnt signaling molecules in the anterior region of the vertebrate embryo during gastrulation.

Copper deficiency

In brain MRI, there is often an increased T2 signalling at the posterior columns of the spinal cord in patients with myelopathy caused by copper deficiency.

Drosophila embryogenesis

It has been shown that the dsRNA-binding protein STAUFEN (STAU1) is responsible for guiding bicoid, nanos and other proteins, which play a role in forming the anterior-posterior axis, to the correct regions of the embryo to build gradients.

Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1

Mutations in this gene have been associated with Idiopathic infantile arterial calcification, ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine (OPLL), and insulin resistance.

Epermenia muraseae

It is similar to Epermenia sinjovi, but can be distinguished by the black anterior and posterior dots on the disc.


The holotype (specimen number MNHN PM69) is now in the Musée d'histoire naturelle - Guimet in Lyon and includes an upper jaw (with approaches of the zygomatic bone and two maxillary branches, each of the two posterior premolars (P3 and 4) and three molars (M1-3)).

Frank Henderson Mayfield

Charles Drake worked with Mayfield to develop a fenestrated clip through which the posterior cerebral artery could pass, thus facilitating occlusion of basilar terminus aneurysms.


The gaster is the bulbous posterior portion of the metasoma found in Apocrita Hymenoptera (bees, wasps and ants).

Hernia repair

When herniotomy is combined with a reinforced repair of the posterior inguinal canal wall with autogenous (patient's own tissue) or heterogeneous material such as prolene mesh, it is termed hernioplasty as opposed to herniorrhaphy, in which no autogenous or heterogeneous material is used for reinforcement.

Heterophile antibody test

It is indicated as a confirmatory test when a physician suspects EBV, typically in the presence of clinical features such as fever, malaise, pharyngitis, tender lymphadenopathy (especially posterior cervical; often called "tender glands") and splenomegaly.

Karel Frederik Wenckebach

Wenckebach's bundle is one of the three internodal pathways, the others being the "posterior internodal tract" (Thorel's pathway), and the "anterior internodal tract" (some fibers of which also project to Bachmann's bundle, and then into the left atrium).


Median arcuate ligament syndrome, an abnormal tightening of the median arcuate ligament under the diaphragm on the posterior abdominal wall

Matilda of Ringelheim

The details of Saint Matilda's life come largely from brief mentions in the Res gestae saxonicae of the monastic historian Widukind of Corvey (c. 925 – 973), and from two sacred biographies (the vita antiquior and vita posterior) written, respectively, circa 974 and circa 1003.


In apocritan Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants), the metasoma consists of the second abdominal segment (which typically forms a petiole) and those segments posterior to it, and is often called the gaster rather than referring to it as the "abdomen"; in these insects, the first abdominal segment is called the propodeum and is fused to the thorax.

Occipital bone

The basioccipital lies in front of the opening, the two exoccipitals lie to either side, and the larger supraoccipital lies to the posterior, and forms at least part of the rear of the cranium.

Ogden Syndrome

This is an X-linked condition affecting males and characterized by postnatal growth failure with developmental delays and dysmorphic features characterized by wrinkled forehead, anterior and posterior fontanels, prominent eyes, large down-slanting palpebral fissures, thickened or hooded eyelids, large ears, flared nares, hypoplastic alae nasi, short columella, protruding upper lip, and microretrognathia.


From the Greek opisthen (behind) and orchis (testicle), Opisthorchis is a genus of trematode flatworms whose testes are located in the posterior end of the body.

Papilio erithonioides

, but on the posterior wings the stramineous band which crosses the wings before the middle is broader, and the spots in the submarginal row are more lunulate ; at the lower end of the dark rufous spot above the anal angle is a large subovate black spot; and the middle median nervule is produced into a rather longer tail than in P. demoleus.

On the disk, the space between the stramineous band and the row of submarginal lunules is brightly irrorated with stramineous scales, in which, between the veins, are spaces less densely irrorated with the same colour, giving the appearance of indistinct black spots, with clusters of blue scales more orless distinct below each, resembling somewhat the mottled appearance of the posterior wings of P. ophidicephalus, Oberth.

Perivaldo Dantas

He had been subjected to a three-week follow-up by Portuguese TV channel SIC, and that and posterior footage resulted in the making of a documentary.


When permanently present in sight of prisoners, it was thought to act as a deterrent against bad behaviour, especially when each prisoner had been subjected to a "welcome beating" on arrival, as in 18th-century Waldheim in Saxony (12, 18 or 24 whip lashes on the bare posterior tied to a pole in the castle courtyard, or by birch rod over the "bock", a bench in the corner).

Posterior cerebral artery

Splenial, or the posterior pericallosal branch, sometimes anastamoses with the anterior cerebral artery (ACA), and may not be present if the ACA wraps around the corpus callosum

Posterior nasal apertures

The fossil lungfish Diabolepis shows an intermediate stage between posterior and interior nostril and supports the independent origin of internal nostrils in the lungfish.

Pterygospinous ligament

The pterygospinous ligament stretches from the upper part of the posterior border of the lateral pterygoid plate to the spinous process of the sphenoid.

Ptyas korros

Dorsal scales smooth or feebly keeled on the posterior part of the body, in 15 rows at midbody; ventrals 160-177; anal divided; sub-caudals 122-145.

Removable partial denture

Kennedy Class I RPDs are fabricated for people who are missing some or all of their posterior teeth on both sides (left and right) in a single arch (either mandibular or maxillary), and there are no teeth posterior to the edentulous area.

Retrosplenial region

In humans, fMRI studies implicate the posterior cingulate region in the recall of episodic information.

Rokeby Venus

Another attitude to the issue was shown by Morritt, who wrote to Sir Walter Scott of his "fine painting of Venus' backside", which he hung above his main fireplace, so that "the ladies may avert their downcast eyes without difficulty and connoisseurs steal a glance without drawing the said posterior into the company".

Segment polarity gene

In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, segment polarity genes help to define the anterior and posterior polarities within each embryonic parasegment by regulating the transmission of signals via the Wnt signaling pathway and Hedgehog signaling pathway.

Self-Indication Assumption Doomsday argument rebuttal

Under the SIA, as the potential size of N increases, the significance of the current number of births (n) decreases, to the point that this posterior information does not constrain the actual value of N at all.


Activity of the SIX3 gene represses Wnt1 gene activity which ensures development of the forebrain and establishes the proper anterior posterior identity in the mammalian brain.

Tache noir

Black heel and palm: a skin condition characterized by black macules occurring on the posterior edge of the plantar surface of one or both heels.


SHH signaling from the MDO induces a posterior-to-anterior wave of expression the proneural gene Neurogenin1 in the major (caudal) part of the thalamus, and Ascl1 (formerly Mash1) in the remaining narrow stripe of rostral thalamic cells immediately adjacent to the MDO, and in the prethalamus.

Theretra hausmanni

The forewing upperside is similar to Theretra manilae but the area between the fifth and sixth postmedian lines is strongly divergent over the posterior half of the wing so that they are widely separated on the inner margin, the area between them largely filled with olive-green or brown, forming a wedge-shaped band similar to that in Hyles species.


They have several unusual features, for example, the posterior femora are greatly enlarged, being strongly adapted for leaping; in some species those hind femora actually are larger than the abdomen.

The posterior tibiae also bear articulated spines near their tips, plus spurs longer than the hind tarsi, which may be entirely absent or else are at best vestigial, having only a single segment.

Werner Ploberger

#Posterior Odds Testing for a Unit Root with Data-Based Model Selection (with Peter C. B. Phillips), Econometric Theory, Vol.10, No. 3-4, 1994, pp 771–808.

see also