
unusual facts about Predestination

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant

While listening to a record, Petra says life is predestined, people are brutal and hard and everyone is replaceable.

Francis Turretin

Turretin is especially known as a zealous opponent of the theology of the Academy of Saumur (embodied by Moise Amyraut and called Amyraldianism), as an earnest defender of the Calvinistic orthodoxy represented by the Synod of Dort, and as one of the authors of the Helvetic Consensus, which defended the formulation of double predestination from the Synod of Dort and the verbal inspiration of the Bible.

Johann Eck

In the theological field he produced his Chrysopassus (Augsburg, 1514), in which he developed a theory of predestination, while he obtained some fame as commentator on the Summulae of Peter of Spain and on Aristotle's De caelo and De anima.

Lambeth Articles

The Lambeth Articles were a series of nine doctrinal statements drawn up by Archbishop of Canterbury John Whitgift in 1595, in order to define Calvinist doctrine with regard to predestination and justification.


The 1633 edition of the standard Latin-English Dictionary, dedicated to William Laud, contained for the first time the word Praedestinatiani, who were defined as "a kind of heretic that held fatal predestination of every particular matter person or action, and that all things come to passe, and fell out necessarily; especially touching the salvation and damnation of particular men".

Pietro Maria Gazzaniga

His fidelity to Aquinas likewise rendered him very bitter against Molinism; so much so, in fact, that he succeeded in persuading Gomarist Calvinists, as against the Arminians, to subscribe to the Thomistic doctrine of predestination and reprobation (ad sanam Thomistarum de predestinations et reprobatione doctrinam descenderunt, Proelect., vol. II, diss. 6, n. 242).

Samuel Brooke

William Prynne in his Canterburie's Doome attacked Brooke as a disciple of William Laud, and stated that in 1630 Brooke was engaged on Arminian treatise on predestination.

Spierig brothers

Their next film, Predestination, based on the science fiction short story "—All You Zombies—" by Robert A. Heinlein and co-written and co-directed by the twins, is scheduled for filming in January 2013.

Theodore Beza

When the edition of the acts of the colloquy, as prepared by Jakob Andrea, was published, Samuel Huber, of Burg near Bern, who belonged to the Lutheranizing faction of the Swiss clergy, took so great offense at the supralapsarian doctrine of predestination propounded at Mömpelgard by Beza and Musculus that he felt it to be his duty to denounce Musculus to the magistrates of Bern as an innovator in doctrine.

Thomas Tomkinson

Tomkinson's most original contribution to Muggletonian belief was to adapt the theory of 'the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman', which John Reeve had expounded in A Divine Looking-Glass, to produce a doctrine of predestination that avoided the perceived pessimism of Calvin's model.

Vincent of Lérins

John Cassian felt that Augustine's stress on predestination ruled out any need for human cooperation or consent.

see also