
unusual facts about Prince Elector

Bernhard Romberg

Together with his cousin, he later joined the court orchestra of the Prince Elector Archbishop of Cologne in Bonn (conducted by the Kapellmeister Andrea Luchesi) in 1790, where they met the young Beethoven.

see also

Abraham Scultetus

Abraham Scultetus (24 August 1566 – 24 October 1625) was a German professor of theology, and the court preacher for the Elector of the Palatinate Frederick V.

Academy of Berlin

Prussian Academy of Arts, an art school set up in Berlin, Brandenburg, in 1694/1696 by prince-elector Frederick III and disbanded in 1955 after the foundation of two separate academies of art for East and West Berlin

Augustus III of Poland

English translation: August III, by the grace of God, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Ruthenia (i.e. Galicia), Prussia, Masovia, Samogitia, Kiev, Volhynia, Podolia, Podlaskie, Livonia, Smolensk, Severia, Chernihiv, and also hereditary Duke of Saxony and Prince-elector.

Battle of Fraustadt

King August II of Poland gave up his claim on the Polish crown, although he remained Elector Frederick Augustus I of Saxony.

Battle of Göllheim

When the Diet met near Frankfurt the following year, they were discouraged to appoint Albert, thus they elected a cousin of one of the Electors, Adolf of Nassau-Weilburg.

Berlin Cathedral

In that year Prince-Elector Frederick II Irontooth of Brandenburg moved with his residence from Brandenburg upon Havel to Cölln (today's Fishers' Island, the southern part of Museums Island) into the newly erected Berlin Schloss, which also housed a Catholic chapel.


Franconian Nuremberg and Ansbach, Swabian Hohenzollern, the eastern European connections of Berlin, and the status of Brandenburg's ruler as prince-elector together were instrumental in the rise of that state.

Château de Wangenbourg

In 1504, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilien I, having vanquished the Prince-elector, Philipp, in the war of succession of Bavaria, confiscated the castle from the cousins Hans and Stephan von Wangen for the count Tiestein, who himself gave it to the Archbishop of Strasbourg, Wilhelm III von Hohnstein, in 1516.

Dresden Academy of Fine Arts

In 1764, the “Allgemeine Kunst-Academie der Malerey, Bildhauer-Kunst, Kupferstecher- und Baukunst” (General Academy of Arts for Painting, Sculpture, Copperplate Engraving and Architecture) was founded by order of the Prince-Elector Frederick Christian.


Prince-elector or elector, a member of the electoral college of the Holy Roman Empire, having the function of electing the Holy Roman Emperors

Frankfurt-Hanau Railway

Before the building of the line there was a government crisis in Hesse in 1852, because Elector Frederick William expected a bribe of 100,000 thalers from the Bernus du Fay bank before he would sign the appropriate license for the extension of the railway towards Aschaffenburg.

Frederick I, Elector of Brandenburg

At the Council of Constance (30 April 1415) Sigismund granted Frederick the titles of Margrave and Prince-elector of Brandenburg.

Imperial vicar

When a King or Holy Roman Emperor died, if a King of the Romans had not already been elected, there would be no new Emperor for a matter of several months until all the Electors, or their representatives, could assemble for a new Imperial election.

Joachim Frederick

Joachim III Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg (1546–1608), Prince-elector of the Margraviate of Brandenburg

Johannes von Müller

In order to improve his financial position, he accepted early in 1786 the post of librarian to Friedrich Karl Joseph von Erthal, the prince-elector and of archbishop of Mainz, who bestowed many important offices upon him and obtained his elevation to nobility from the emperor Leopold II.

Karl Theodor

Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria (1724–1799), Prince-Elector of Palatine and of Bavaria


Rominten had already been a hunting place for Prince Elector Friedrich Wilhelm I of Brandenburg-Prussia in 1683.

Louis de Silvestre

Friedrich August II, the prince-elector of Saxony, met Silvestre when he was in France and offered him the chance to work at the court of his father Augustus II, King of Poland.

Louis III, Elector Palatine

As oldest surving son and new Prince-Elector Louis III received the main part, John received Palatinate-Neumarkt, Stephen received Palatinate-Simmern and Otto received Palatinate-Mosbach.

Mathematical Magick

Wilkins dedicated his work to His Highness the Prince Elector Palatine (Charles I Louis).

Maurus Corker

On the accession of James II of England in 1685, Father Corker was released and kept at the court as resident ambassador of Prince-Bishop Ferdinand of Bavaria, the Elector of Cologne.

Maximilian von Montgelas

The Elector Charles Theodore, who had at first favored him, became offended on discovering that he was associated with the Illuminati, a secret society in Bavaria that held to the most anti-clerical propositions of the Enlightenment.

Moses Kann

By the testimony of the Berlin court preacher Jablonski and the consistorial councillor Scharden of Halle, supported by the opinion of twenty-four Christian professors and preachers who, in 1728, had declared that "neither the Jewish prayer-book nor the Talmud contained anything derogatory to Christianity," Moses Kann proved before the Elector of Mainz the bad character of the apostate.

Rudolf I, Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg

For example, he organised a meeting between six of the electors in Rhens in 1338.

Ruy López de Dávalos

Hernando Dávalos made part of the well documented Toledo "Comuneros" fighting against the extra tax contributions, circa 1518, asked for by king Charles I of Spain (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) to bend the wishes of the German Electors in his wishes of becoming a Holy Roman Emperor.

Sarah Thompson, Countess Rumford

In 1785, when Sarah Thompson was eleven years old, her father moved to Bavaria to become an aide-de-camp to the Prince-elector Charles Theodore.

Schaudichnichtum Lodge

The hunting lodge was probably built in 1730 by the lords of Hallberg from Fußgönheim, who had leased the local hunting grounds from the prince-electors.

Thomas de Treil de Pardailhan

In 1790, he was elector of the canton of Villejuif, and in 1791 the administrator of the département of Paris (conseiller général).

Von Gemmingen

Uriel von Gemmingen (1468-9 February 1514) was appointed Archbishop of Mainz on 27 September 1508, a prince elector, and chancellor to Emperor Maximillian I on 23 April 1509.

War of the Lüneburg Succession

Duke Frederick of Brunswick-Lüneburg married Duchess Anna of Saxe-Wittenberg a daughter of Prince-Elector Wenceslas, and Duke Bernard of Brunswick-Lüneburg was wedded to Duchess Margaret of Saxony, also a daughter of Wenceslas.