While briefly residing in Los Angeles, he met Tommy Victor (Prong, Danzig, Ministry), who invited him to play drums for a KMFDM remix he contributed to their recent album, "Krieg", as well as to join an updated version of Prong with Victor and newly-recruited bassist, Tony Campos (Static X, Asesino, Ministry).
He is currently the drummer for the New York-based band, Prong.
He later played in the alternative rock/industrial rock bands Prong & Ministry.
Of Cabbages and Kings featured Kizys, founder/guitarist/keyboardist/vocalist/producer Carolyn Master, Vinnie Signorelli (Unsane), Ted Parsons (Prong, Swans, Godflesh, Jesu, Teledubgnosis) and Diane Wlezein.
The second prong would be an attack on the German defenses at Longido in the north around Kilimanjaro, then swing south and seize Neu Moshi, the western terminus of the Usambara or Northern Railroad.
Thursday, November 7, Col. Joshua W. Sill started the northern prong of the Big Sandy expedition toward John’s Creek.
He contributed a remix of the song "Bad Fall" on the 2009 Prong remix album Power of the Damn Mixxxer.
It is cylindrical roughly the size of a "D" battery with a foldable 2-prong AC connector and a Standard-A USB socket.
Primitive Origins, an EP by Prong, features songs like "In My Veins" which was later re-recorded during a session with John Peel (BBC).
In Katz v. United States, Justice Harlan evolved a two-prong test to determine when an object may be the subject of a Fourth Amendment protection.