Annibale Ciarniello (January 9, 1900, Bagnoli del Trigno, Province of Isernia – January 3, 2007) was one of the last surviving veterans of the first World War at the time of his death, as well as the oldest medical doctor in Italy and one of the oldest people in the country.
The son of Italian immigrants from Macchiagodena (Isernia), he was famous for his large moustache, thunderous long-range free kicks, excellent long passes, quick thinking and distinct way of controlling the ball.
province | Buenos Aires Province | Transvaal Province | Katanga Province | Cape Province | Western Province | New Ireland Province | Kars Province | Pichincha Province | Santa Fe Province | Dewa Province | Entre Ríos Province | Roman province | Rhine Province | Natal Province | Helmand Province | Battambang Province | La Convención Province | Hakkâri Province | Western Province (Papua New Guinea) | Northern Province | Mendoza Province | Guanacaste Province | Province of New York | Fars Province | Boulgou Province | Province | Manabí Province | El Oro Province | Tigray Province |
It rises in the Abruzzese central Apennines of Samnium near Castel San Vincenzo (province of Isernia, Molise) and flows southeast as far as its junction with the Calore River near Caiazzo and runs south as far as Venafro, and then turns southwest, past Capua, to enter the Tyrrhenian Sea in Castel Volturno, northwest of Naples.