
3 unusual facts about Ptolemaic


Ptolemaic Baris, a citidel maintained by Ptolemaic Egyptian rulers of Jerusalem

To describe the writings of Claudius Ptolemaeus, known as Ptolemy, the 2nd-century AD geographer and astronomer/astrologer

Sydney Hervé Aufrère

From 1992 to 2003 he supervised the unit that specializes in texts from the Ptolemaic period.

Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī

Dante Alighieri's knowledge of Ptolemaic astronomy, which is evident in his Divina Commedia as well as other works such as the Convivio, seems to have been drawn from his reading of Alfraganus.

Antiochus III the Great

The young king, under the baneful influence of the minister Hermeias, headed an attack on Ptolemaic Syria instead of going in person to face the rebels.


Ptolemy V Epiphanes (reigned 204–181 BC), ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty

Famine Stela

The language and layout used in the inscription suggests that the work can be dated to the Ptolemaic period, perhaps during the reign of king Ptolemy V (205 – 180 BC).

First planet

Moon, the first planet from Earth in the Ptolemaic geocentric model

Gaius Asinius Rufus

Chris Bennett, Egyptian Royal Genealogy - Ptolemaic Dynasty, 2005.


The latter initial root consonant occurs once in the Middle Kingdom Coffin Texts, more often in 21st Dynasty mythological papyri as well as in a text from the Ptolemaic tomb of Petosiris at Tuna el-Gebel or was written with initial hard -k-, as e.g. in a 30th Dynasty papyrus text in the Brooklyn Museum dealing with descriptions of and remedies against snakes.

Phases of Venus

This observation essentially ruled out the Ptolemaic system, and was compatible only with the Copernican system and the Tychonic system and other geoheliocentric models such as the Capellan and Riccioli's extended Capellan model.

Ptolemy I Soter

Duncan Sprott's novel The Ptolemies features Ptolemy as a central character and founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty.

Ptolemy III Euergetes

Ptolemais - towns and cities named after members of the Ptolemaic dynasty.

Temple of Khonsu

In Ptolemaic times, Ptolemy III Euergetes constructed a great gateway and enclosure wall for the temple, only the gateway now remains (see below).

The Singularity Is Near

In 2006, Barry Ptolemy and his production company Ptolemaic Productions licensed the rights to The Singularity Is Near from Kurzweil.

Tourism in Libya

Cyrenaica became part of the Ptolemaic empire controlled from Alexandria, and became Roman territory in 96 BC when Ptolemy Apion bequeathed Cirenaica to Rome.

see also