
unusual facts about Quantitative


Quantitative research, scientific investigation of quantitative properties

Andrew Odlyzko

But since this linearithmic function does not grow as rapidly as Metcalfe's law, it implies that many of the quantitative expectations based on Metcalfe's law were excessively optimistic.


Ascendency, sometimes spelled "ascendancy", a quantitative attribute of an ecosystem.

Association of MBAs

The Association's process of accrediting an MBA program includes reviewing compliance with over 100 criteria, most of them qualitative rather than quantitative.

Bonn Graduate School of Economics

The coordinated curriculum of Bonn, Barcelona (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Florence (European University Institute), London (London School of Economics), Louvain-la-Neuve (Université catholique), Paris (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), and Tel Aviv provides the opportunity for stundents to specialize in almost any area of quantitative economics.

Channel coordination

In: Tayur, S., Ganeshan, R., Magazine, M. (eds.): Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management.

Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute

The Institute comprises 11 Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, Genomic Medicine Institute, Immunology, Molecular Cardiology, Molecular Genetics (including the Section of Virology), Neurosciences, Pathobiology, Quantitative Health Sciences, and Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

Collier's Encyclopedia

A well-known comparison is that of Kenneth Kister, who gave a qualitative and quantitative comparison of Collier's Encyclopedia with two comparable encyclopaedias, Encyclopædia Britannica and the Encyclopedia Americana.

David Budescu

He is the Anne Anastasi Professor of Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology at Fordham University.

In 2009 he was appointed Anne Anastasi Professor of Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology at Fordham University.

Diffraction topography

A quantitative description is provided by the dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction.

Edouard Van Beneden

Van Beneden elucidated, together with Walther Flemming and Eduard Strasburger, the essential facts of mitosis, where, in contrast to meiosis, there is a qualitative and quantitative equality of chromosome distribution to daughter cells.

Equivalent weight

Equivalent weights were a useful generalisation of Joseph Proust's law of definite proportions (1794) that enabled chemistry to become a quantitative science.

Fred Luthans

A recent quantitative analysis published in the Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal on the importance, scientific validity, and practical usefulness of all theories in the field found Luthans’ Organizational Behavior Modification Theory among the eight highest rated (along with those by Kurt Lewin, David McClelland, J. Richard Hackman, Edwin A. Locke, John B. Miner, Victor Vroom, and Bernard Bass).

George de Menil

He specializes in pension reform and monetary policy; and his policy positions reflect a liberal stance on economics, grounded in a mastery of quantitative analysis and a commitment to empirical research.

Gøsta Esping-Andersen

According to French sociologist, Georges Menahem, Esping-Andersen's "decommodification index" aggregates both qualitative and quantitative variables for ”sets of dimensions” which fluid, and pertain to three very different areas.

Hebrew language

A great deal of poetry was written, by poets such as Dunash ben Labrat, Solomon ibn Gabirol, Judah ha-Levi and the two Ibn Ezras, in a "purified" Hebrew based on the work of these grammarians, and in Arabic quantitative or strophic meters.

Immortal DNA strand hypothesis

Emmanuel David Tannenbaum and James Sherley developed a quantitative model describing how repair of point mutations might differ in adult stem cells.

Indian Remote Sensing

Satellite would also carry Atmospheric Correction Sensor (ACS) for quantitative interpretation and geophysical parameter retrieval.

James C. Garland

To achieve this status, he developed a strategy to raise intellectual quality and apply quantitative benchmarking and best practice, and led Miami in a significant capital improvement and construction program.

Jean Paul Lehners

Between 1976 and 1994, Lehners was lecturing at the University of Trier on themes such as quantitative methods in history, historical demograpy, history of family structures, analysis of school manuals, fear & security in 16th-20th century, history of European expansions by texts and controversy on numbers in history between 1976 and 1994.

Jean-Claude Falmagne

In "Scales and Meaningfulness of Quantitative Laws", Falmagne and Narens argue that the requirement of invariance, which they call "meaningfulness" should be part of the axioms or theory establishing the law, rather than result from them.

Jost Reinecke

He is professor of Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research at Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University.

Just-noticeable difference

Stanley Smith Stevens argued that it would hold only for what he called prothetic sensory continua, where change of input takes the form of increase in intensity or something obviously analogous; it would not hold for metathetic continua, where change of input produces a qualitative rather than a quantitative change of the percept.

Kingston Papie Rhodes

He lectured on Quantitative Methods at the University of Sierra Leone and on statistics at the Civil Service Training College.

Lars Peter Hansen

He is the co-winner of the Frisch Medal with Kenneth Singleton in 1984, was awarded the Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics in 2006, and the CME Group-MSRI Prize In Innovative Quantitative Applications in 2008.


the Likert scale developed by Rensis Likert, a measuring device used in quantitative social science

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

In 2006, research commissioned by a major mortgage lender found that, on the quantitative statistical indices used, the borough had the best quality of life in London and was in the top quarter of local authorities nationwide.

Medieval Hebrew

A great deal of poetry was written, by poets such as Dunash ben Labrat, Solomon ibn Gabirol, Judah ha-Levi, David Hakohen and the two Ibn Ezras, in a "purified" Hebrew based on the work of these grammarians, and in Arabic quantitative metres (see piyyut).

Metal acetylacetonates

This particular complex, which has a three unpaired electrons, is used as a spin relaxation agent to improve the sensitivity in quantitative Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy.

Michael Commons

He was a senior editor of Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, Volumes 1-11 and of four volumes on Adult Development including ‘’Beyond Formal Operations: Late Adolescent and Adult Cognitive Development’’ and ‘’Clinical Approaches to Adult Development,’’ as well as associate editor for a special issue of Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior on the nature of reinforcement.

Patent valuation

This tool is based on an installable Microsoft Access database, and applies qualitative and quantitative algorithms for patent valuation and portfolio management.

Plasmonic nanoparticles

Within that range, quantitative information on the EGFR density in the cell membrane can be retrieved based on the shift in resonant frequency of the plasmonic particles.


Until Election Day in November of the same year, the researchers collected data from 268 polls, 10 quantitative models, and 246 daily market prices from the Iowa Electronic Markets vote-share market.

Procureur du Roi v Dassonville

The trader argued that this represented a quantitative restriction on trade, which would be in breach of Article 28 EC of the Treaty of Rome, now Article 34 TFEU.

Quantitative behavioral finance

Caginalp and collaborators have used both statistical and mathematical methods on both the world market data and experimental economics data in order to make quantitative predictions.

Quantitative susceptibility mapping

Due to its quantitative nature and sensitivity to certain kinds of material, potential QSM applications include standardized quantitative stratification of cerebral microbleeds and neurodegenerative disease, accurate gadolinium quantification in contrast enhanced MRI, and direct monitoring of targeted theranostic drug biodistribution in nanomedicine.

Rail Safety Act

The centralised regulator proposal has been opposed at times by New South Wales, Victoria and the Western Australian rail safety regulator who have pointed to a lack of quantitative or qualitative evidence of impacts of the current jurisdiction-based national system on operator costs, particularly in light of the predominance of intrastate urban rail movements in Australia over interstate movements.

Reverse phase protein lysate microarray

Reverse phase protein array (RPPA) is a protein array designed as a micro- or nano-scaled dot-blot platform that allows measurement of protein expression levels in a large number of biological samples simultaneously in a quantitative manner when high-quality antibodies are available.

Richard Jantz

Some of Jantz’s more current research involves quantitative osteometric and anthropometric variation among Native American populations, including an analysis of the work of Franz Boas.

Shirley Poppy

The biometrician Karl Pearson used the Shirley poppy to study his ideas of homotyposis, which he defined as “the quantitative degree of resemblance to be found on the average between the like parts of organisms”.

Steven S. Shreve

The book was voted "Best New Book in Quantitative Finance" in 2004 by members of Wilmott website, and has been highly praised by scholars in the field.

Surf Air

Wade Eyerly built quantitative models to predict conflict and received the Secretary of Defense medal for the Global War on Terror and the Civilian Joint Service Commendation for his work.


Rare variants in glaucoma: a whole-genome sequencing study - analyzing with respect to quantitative phenotypes associated with glaucoma, namely intraocular pressure, optic disc size and cupping, and central corneal thickness (funded by Fight for Sight).

Two New Sciences

Later in the discussion this principle is applied to the thickness required of the bones of a large animal, possibly the first quantitative result in biology, anticipating J. B. S. Haldane's seminal work On Being the Right Size, and other essays, edited by John Maynard Smith.

UCL Arts and Sciences

Notable academics include Dr Hannah Fry from the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis who teaches Quantitative Methods and Professor Mark Miodownik a UCL materials scientist and broadcaster who runs the second year engineering module.

Yves Rumpler

He then served as department head of the Laboratory of Reproductive Biology and Cytogenetics Laboratory, studying quantitative cytology and histology at the teaching hospital of Strasbourg.

see also