
92 unusual facts about RED!

African Paradise Flycatcher

The Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher, Terpsiphone rufiventer, is closely related to this species, and hybrids occur with the underparts a mixture of black and red.

Allensworth, California

Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), are among the 141 type of birds that can be seen here.

Amur Falcon

It was earlier treated as a subspecies of the Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) and known as the Eastern Red-footed Falcon.

Anderson Inlet

It supports internationally significant numbers (up to over 6,000 individuals) of Red-necked Stint.

Annobón Paradise Flycatcher

Some authorities, notably the African Bird Club treat Annobón Paradise Flycatcher as a subspecies of Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher T.

Artificial sunlight

Also, some animals like the Red-eared slider turtle are benefited of having those lights fitted on their aquariums.

Ash's Lark

But even here, where it is locally common it is easily overlooked because it is also a home to nine other species of lark, such as the Red-winged Lark (M. hypermetra hypermetra) and the Somali Long-billed Lark (M. somalica rochei).

In order to give a complete, definitive description it must also be added that it is smaller than either the Rufous-naped Lark (M. africana), or the Red-winged Lark (M. hypermetra); that it is more greyish and marked on its mantle than either the Singing Lark (M. cantillans), or the Pink-breasted Lark (M. poecilosterna); and that its bill is not as thick as the former, and that it lacks the pinkish breast of the latter.

Babbitt v. Sweet Home Chapter of Communities for a Great Oregon

The plaintiff argued that the red cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), an endangered species, and the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina), a threatened species, had injured them economically preventing them from conducting commercial business in the forestry industry.

Bill Dawson

William "Red" Dawson (born 1942), former American football player and assistant coach for Marshall University

Black Bishop

A study of the molecular phylogeny of bishops and widowbirds published in 2008 found that it formed part of a clade along with the Fire-fronted Bishop (E. diadematus), Black-winged Red Bishop (E. hordeaceus), Northern Red Bishop (E. franciscanus), Southern Red Bishop (E. orix), Zanzibar Red Bishop (E. nigroventris) and Red-collared Widowbird (E. ardens).

Broxton Rocks

The near-threatened* Bachman's Sparrow, the endangered* Red-cockaded Woodpecker and the Pileated Woodpecker, whose drum-like peck can be heard over long distances, all nest here.

Cheetham and Altona Important Bird Area

They were classified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because they support more than 1% of the world populations of Red-necked Stint, Chestnut Teal and Pacific Gull.

Coastal cliffs between Porto Mosquito and Baia do Inferno Important Bird Area

The site has been identified as an IBA by BirdLife International because the cliffs support 25–30 breeding pairs of Red-billed Tropicbirds.

Crimson Chat

A bird species similar to and often confused with the Crimson Chat is the Male Red-capped Robin, whose scientific name is Petroica goodenovii.

Dorst's Cisticola

Another very similar cisticola had been described some years earlier as a subspecies of the Red-pate Cisticola (C. ruficeps), and named C.

Faruk Umar Faruk

In the summer of 2009 the farmers of Katsina state suffered an invasion of Quelea Bird, which threatened to destroy their crops.

Freddie 'Red' Cochrane

In 1946, Cochrane took on Marty Servo for the World Welterweight Title and lost via 4th round KO.

Gambela National Park

Several birds only found in this area include the shoebill stork, the Long-tailed Paradise Whydah and the Red-throated and Green Bee-eaters.

George A. Drew

During the spring 1945 Ontario election, Premier Drew ran an anti-Semitic, union bashing, Red-baiting campaign against the CCF's Ontario section.

Hal Scott Regional Preserve and Park

The preserve is home to a few breeding pairs of the threatened Red-cockaded Woodpecker.

Hirakud Dam

Nearly 20-25 species of birds are seen in the reservoir and common among them are Common Pochard, Red-crested Pochard, Great Crested Grebe and several others.

Hold Your Man

Writer Anita Loos also had an extended working relationship with Harlow: this was the second of five films they made together, their first being Red-Headed Woman.

Islotes de Puñihuil Natural Monument

Also is reproduction area for other species, as are the Red-legged Cormorant and Kelp Gull.


The name jabuticaba, derived from the Tupi word Jabuti (tortoise) + Caba (place), meaning the place where you find tortoises.

Jenni Trent Hughes

She has also written dozens of features for publications such as Good Housekeeping, Elle, Sainsbury's Magazine and for many years had a column in Red magazine and handbag.com

Kalabukay Festival

Kalabukay Festival (Kalabukay - Cuyunon word for Red-vented Cockatoo) is an annual celebration for the foundation day of municipality of Dumaran, Palawan in the Philippines.

Katharine Brush

Brush, however, is probably best known today for her subsequent novel Red-Headed Woman, which was made into a film in 1932 starring Jean Harlow which remains a pre-code classic for its racy humor.

Lake Hawdon System Important Bird Area

The wetland system was identified by BirdLife International as an IBA because it regularly supports over 1% of the world populations of Red-necked Stint, and often of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, Double-banded Plovers and Banded Stilts.

Lake Manpo and Lake Bonpo Important Bird Area

It has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports populations of various water- and wetland birds including Swan Geese, Greater White-fronted Geese, Whooper Swans, Oriental Storks, White-naped Cranes and Red-crowned Cranes.

Llanos de Challe National Park

Park's seashore and surrounding area feature unspoiled white sand beaches and a coastal wetland, which shelters Common Moorhens, Red-gartered Coots, Black-necked Swans and Flamingos.

Louise de Kiriline Lawrence

She is recognized for her study of the Red-eyed Vireo, which identified the songbird as capable of producing 22,197 distinct calls in a single day.

Marie Winn

An advocate for protecting wildlife, Winn gave the name Pale Male to the Red-tailed Hawk that nested on a Fifth Avenue building, receiving much press coverage.


Red-rimmed melania, small freshwater snail with an operculum, in the family Thiaridae

Ochlockonee River State Park

The 392 acre (1.6 km²) park includes pine flatwoods and oak thickets, and is notable for containing a significant habitat for the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker.


An expert in local ornithology (including the endemic Red-fronted Macaw, and herpetology and reptiles, he often makes time to show visitors around as part of his travels about his parish.

Phellinus pini

In the southeastern United States, this fungus is important for the nesting of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker.

Pontic Mountains

The region is home to Eurasian wildlife such as the Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Golden Eagle, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Caucasian Black Grouse, Red-fronted Serin, and Wallcreeper.


The birds resemble the modern cariama (Cariama cristata), except with a heavier build and considerably smaller wings.


It is also a breeding area for other species including the Red-legged Cormorant and Kelp Gull.

Raymond B. Egan

He also wrote a number of songs for films such as Paramount on Parade, Red-Headed Woman, and The Prizefighter and the Lady.

Red green

Red-green alliance, an alliance of "red" social democratic or democratic socialist parties with "green" environmentalist parties


Some commentators argue that red-baiting was used by John McCain, Republican presidential nominee in the 2008 United States election, when he argued that Democratic nominee Barack Obama's improvised comments on wealth redistribution to "Joe the Plumber" was a promotion of "socialism".

In July 2009, talk show host Glenn Beck began to devote what would become many episodes on his TV and radio shows, focusing on President Obama's Director of White House Council on Environmental Quality, Van Jones.

Red-bellied black snake

It can be found in the urban forest, woodland, plains and bushland areas of the Blue Mountains, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Cairns and Adelaide.

Red-billed Streamertail

When the Black-billed Streamertail of eastern Jamaica (found mostly in the parish of Portland) is considered a separate species, the Red-billed Streamertail occurs west of a line from Morant Bay following the Morant River, and via Ginger House and the middle Rio Grande to Port Antonio.

The bird is featured in Ian Fleming's James Bond short story For Your Eyes Only.

Red-breasted Parakeet

The scientific specific name commemorates Alexander the Great whose armies introduced eastern parakeets to Greece.

Red-browed Pardalote

It is a fraction larger than the Forty-spotted Pardalote, at 10 to 12 cm, and is the least conspicuously coloured, being paler and combining the spotted skull-cap of the Spotted Pardalote with the striped wings of the Striated Pardalote.

Red-capped Parrot

Marri seeds are the preferred diet, but birds also extract seeds from Karri (Eucalyptus marginata), woody pear (Xylomelum), Grevillea, Hakea, and She-oak (Casuarina), as well as insects such as psyllids, and even orchard fruit such as apples and pears.

Its natural habitat is Marri (Corymbia calophylla), but has adpated to farmland, orchards and suburban landscapes in Perth.

Red-Dirt Marijuana and Other Tastes

The collection has been widely praised by authors such as Norman Mailer, Gore Vidal, William S. Burroughs, Robert Anton Wilson, and Kurt Vonnegut.

Red-eye flight

Russian airlines operate similar to U.S. airlines by connecting Moscow to Yakutsk, Irkutsk and Vladivostok with overnight red-eye flights.

Red-eyed Damselfly

Males typically spent much of their time perched the leaves of floating vegetation such as water lilies or mats of algae.

Red-eyed Vireo

and trypanosomans might affect these birds not infrequently, as was noted in studies of birds caught in Parque Nacional de La Macarena and near Turbo (Colombia): though only three Red-eyed Vireos were examined, all were infected with at least one of these parasites.

Red-faced Cormorant

The Red-faced Cormorant, Red-faced Shag or Violet Shag (Phalacrocorax urile) is a species of cormorant that is found in the far north of the Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, from the eastern tip of Hokkaidō in Japan, via the Kuril Islands, the southern tip of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Aleutian Islands to the Alaska Peninsula and Gulf of Alaska.

Red-footed Booby

The black-tailed white morph is similar, but with a black tail, and can easily be confused with the Nazca and Masked Boobies.

Red-green alliance

Incumbent mayor Ken Livingstone, candidate for the Labour Party, formed an electoral pact with the Green Party mayoral candidate Siân Berry via the supplementary voting system, in which Labour voters were encouraged to place the Green candidate as their second preference, and vice versa.

Left Ecology Freedom: initially a successor of sorts in Italy to The Left - The Rainbow, also comprising the Federation and the Greens and Democratic Left, along with former-communist Movement for the Left and Unite the Left, and the Italian Socialist Party, a centrist social-democratic party.

The MEPs of the NGLA sit in the European United Left–Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) grouping in the European Parliament, although the MEPs of the Socialist People's Party sit in The Greens–European Free Alliance (G/EFA) group.

Red-handed howler

Second, the Trans-Amazonia and the Belém-Brasília Highways intersect their habitats, which causes collisions with automobiles.

Red-headed Woodpecker

In the 1940s, Warner Bros popularized a television cartoon series about a red-headed woodpecker named "Woody Woodpecker," created by Walter Lantz.

Red-legged pademelon

In Australia it has a scattered distribution from the tip of Cape York Peninsula in Queensland to around Tamworth in New South Wales.

Red-lored Whistler

The Red-Lored Whistler (Pachycephala rufogularis) is similar, in many respects, to Gilbert's Whistler, to which it is clearly related, and from which it must be distinguished: the range of the Red-lored Whistler falls entirely within that of the Gilbert Whistler.

Red-necked Grebe

This is particularly noticeable in autumn on the Great Lakes, when up to 18,000 birds may pass Whitefish Point on Lake Superior; these are thought to be Canadian breeders heading for the Atlantic Ocean to winter.

Red-necked Phalarope

During migration, some flocks stop over on the open waters at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy to take advantage of food stirred up by tidal action.

The most reliable place for them is the Shetland Isles, particularly the Loch of Funzie on Fetlar, with a few birds breeding elsewhere in Scotland in the Outer Hebrides (e.g. at Loch na Muilne, where a "phalarope watchpoint" has been set up) and sometimes the Scottish Mainland in Ross-shire or Sutherland.

Red-tailed Amazon

Possibly one of the most significant steps taken to save the parrots was the establishment of Superagüi National Park in 1989.

Red-tailed Tropicbird

The Red-tailed Tropicbird nests on oceanic islands in large colonies from the Hawaiian Islands to Easter Island and across to Mauritius and the Reunion Island.

Red-throated Wryneck

This species is resident in sub-Saharan Africa, and is the non-migratory counterpart of the Eurasian Eurasian Wryneck.

Red: Werewolf Hunter

Red: Werewolf Hunter is a 2010 television horror film, loosely based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood.


Red-legged Kittiwake (Rissa brevirostris), a species in the genus Rissa

Saint John's Arboretum

Water birds, birds of prey, shore birds, warblers, and many other kinds of birds can be found here, including many rare species such as Sandhill Cranes, Red-shouldered Hawks, Cerulean Warblers, and others.

San Rafael Reserve of Manageable Resources

The park is also the only place in Paraguay where there have been sightings of the “morena” eagle or “harpía”, maracaná, red and blue parrot, yacutinga, yellow toucan and golden woodpecker, among others.

Somali Boubou

It resembles the Red-naped Bushshrike L. ruficeps but has no red nape, is black, not grey, on the mantle, and is washed buffy-yellow on throat and breast.

South Plaza Island

On the steep banks it is possible to see a great number of birds such as nesting Red-billed Tropicbirds and Swallow-tailed Gulls, but most of all, enjoying the beautiful view from atop the steep banks or strolling along the base of the cliff is an extremely pleasurable experience.

Spotted Pardalote

All pardalotes have spots and all nest in tunnels at least sometimes; the Spotted Pardalote has the most conspicuous spots and (like the Red-browed Pardalote) always nests in tunnels.

Steller's Jay

It often will imitate the calls from birds of prey such as the Red-tailed Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, and Osprey, causing other birds to seek cover and flee feeding areas.

Stock sound effect

Some stock sound effects have been reused so many times that they have become easily recognizable and some even clichés, such as the scream of a Red-tailed Hawk, castle thunder, or the Wilhelm and Howie screams.

Strzelecki Desert Lakes Important Bird Area

The site has been identified by BirdLife International as an IBA because it has supported significant numbers of Freckled and Pink-eared Ducks, Grey Teals, Hardheads, Australian Pelicans, Banded Stilts, Red-necked Avocets and Caspian Terns.

Sudan Golden Sparrow

The Sudan Golden Sparrow is a highly gregarious and nomadic bird and will form mixed flocks with other seed-eating birds, such as Red-billed Quelea, and other sparrows.

Taita Falcon

Threats to the species come from the use of organochlorine pesticide sprays in northern Zimbabwe which may have reduced numbers there, and pesticide-spraying (e.g. through operations to control Red-billed Quelea and locusts) may pose a threat in other regions.

Telegraph Hill, San Francisco

Today Telegraph Hill is known for supporting a flock of feral parrots, primarily Red-masked Parakeets (Aratinga erythrogenys), descended from escaped or released pets.

The Chi-Lites

The group formed in the late 1950s when the Chanteurs (Record, Robert Squirrel Lester, and Clarence Johnson) teamed up with Marshall Thompson and Creadel "Red" Jones of the Desideros to form the Hi-lites.

Creadel "Red" Jones – (born September 26, 1940, Chicago; died August 25, 1994)

Tripp Isenhour

On December 12, 2007, while being filmed for an educational video, Isenhour killed a red-shouldered hawk by hitting it with a golf ball.


Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus (tropical Atlantic, eastern Pacific, and Indian oceans)

Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve

Other threatened bird species that have been observed within the park include Short-billed Black Cockatoo, Peregrine falcon, Hooded Plover, Little Bittern and Red-eared Firetail.


Known for their militant brand of political ambient music along with artist Terre Thaemlitz, Ultra-red are also part of a wave of young conceptual artists who combine participatory art with their own commitments to political organizing.

White-fronted Amazon

Together with the Red-spectacled Amazon and the Yellow-lored Amazon, it is the only Amazon species in which adult males and females easily can be distinguished by external appearance (sexual dimorphism): Males have bright red feathers on their "shoulders" (alula), while females have green "shoulders".

William Doherty

Many of the birds he collected for Lord Rothschild were named after him, including Doherty's Bushshrike Malaconotus dohertyi, Red-naped Fruit Dove Ptilinopus dohertyi, Sumba Cicadabird Coracina dohertyi and Crested White-eye Lophozosterops dohertyi.

Yarra Bend Park

The park is home to many species of birds, bats and other mammals, reptiles (tiger snakes and blue tongued lizards are common) insects and fish (esp. carp and eels) also regularly found are Rainbow Lorikeets, Red-rumped Parrots and Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, Water Rats and Brush-tail and Ringtail Possums.

2006 Mountain West Conference football season

After being trounced by their former Southwest Conference rivals, 70-35, in Lubbock two years prior, the Horned Frog defense kept quarterback Graham Harrell and the Red Raider offense out of the endzone for the entire game, JR linebacker walk on Christopher Abbott led the defense with one sack, 8 tackles 3 for a loss of yards and one interception, to earn their fourth consecutive victory over the Big 12.


Projects in Burkina Faso have been led in 1994 to use a red desoxy-3-anthocyanin pigment identified as apigenindin from Sorghum in the dyeing industry.

Art Edwards

They added Brian Blush, formerly of August Red, later in 1993 to round out their sound, and played their first gig in January 1994 leading off for Flathead at Long Wong's.

Australasian Figbird

The other orioles in its range, the Brown and Olive-backed Orioles, are superficially similar, but have entirely red bills when adult.

Autobiography of Red

Autobiography of Red (1998) is a verse novel by Anne Carson, based loosely on the myth of Geryon and the Tenth Labor of Herakles, especially on surviving fragments of the lyric poet Stesichorus' poem Geryoneis.

Clisura Dunării

Miodrag Belodedici (born 1964), Romanian retired footballer, won the European cup with Steaua Bucureşti and Red Star Belgrade (1985, 1990).

Deadly Towers

It is a pun of the word mashō (魔性), meaning "devilishness", and in keeping with this theme, the Japanese cartridge contained a red LED at the top which illuminated when turned on.

El Cazador de la Bruja

A manga titled El Cazador de la Bruja by Hirose Shū started serialization in the shōnen manga magazine Champion RED on March 19, 2007.

Elections in Veneto

Rovigo, the southernmost province, was influenced by nearby "red" Emilia-Romagna.

Eleonora Aguiari

In 2004, for her final show at the Royal College of Art, she wrapped an equestrian statue of Lord Napier of Magdala, situated on Queen's Gate in West London, in bright red duct tape, giving the appearance of the statue being painted red.

Fashoda Incident

When one draws a line from Cape Town to Cairo (Rhodes' dream) and another line from Dakar to French Somaliland (now Djibouti) by the Red Sea in the Horn (the French ambition), these two lines intersect in eastern South Sudan near the town of Fashoda (present-day Kodok), explaining its strategic importance.

Flag of Lancashire

The Red Rose of Lancaster is a symbol for the House of Lancaster, immortalised in the verse "In the battle for England's head/York was white, Lancaster red" (referring to the 15th century War of the Roses).

Gordon Edes

Edes is famous in Boston for his club house confrontation with former Red Sox outfielder Carl Everett.

Greg Mullavey

His father, Gregory Thomas "Greg" Mulleavy, played Major League Baseball for the White Sox, Red Sox, third base coach for Brooklyn Dodgers and LA Dodgers, and won four World Series with the Dodgers.

Gregory Perino

His fascination with the past and his innate ability to locate and meticulously excavate prehistoric cemeteries and burial mounds soon led him into a career as a self-taught professional archaeologist, first with the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma; then with the Foundation for Illinois Archeology in Kampsville, Illinois; and finally with the Museum of the Red River in Idabel, Oklahoma.

Henry Baigent

The principal timber milled was white, red, and black pine, totara, rimu, and birch.


Along with the "Firehawks" of HSC-85, the “Red Wolves” are one of only two squadrons in the U.S. Navy dedicated to supporting Navy SEAL and SWCC Teams, and Combat Search & Rescue.

Inocybe erubescens

The red-staining inocybe was first described by Axel Gudbrand Blytt in 1904 as Inocybe erubescens, though was widely known for many years as I.

Little Red Riding Rabbit

Little Red Riding Hood is depicted as a typical 1940s teen-aged girl, a "bobby soxer" with an extremely loud and grating voice (inspired by screen and radio comedienne Cass Daley, provided by Bea Benaderet).

Louise McManus

Florence Nightingale International Red Cross Society Citation and Medal and the

Major League Baseball logo

Since its adoption, the basic model of an athlete or equipment used for the sport in silhouette flanked by red and blue has also been incorporated in the logos of the National Basketball Association (with Jerry West as its player model), Women's National Basketball Association, Arena Football League, American Hockey League, National Lacrosse League, Indy Racing League, and Major League Gaming.

Middle-market newspaper

In the United Kingdom, since the demise of Today (1986–95), the only national middle-market papers are the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, distinguishable by their black-top masthead (both use the easy-to-carry tabloid paper size), as opposed to the red-top mastheads of down-market tabloids.

Mohammed Alim Khan

After four days of fighting, the emir’s citadel (Arc) was destroyed, the red flag was raised from the top of Kalyan Minaret, and the Emir Alim Khan was forced to flee to his base at Dushanbe (in present-day Tajikistan), and finally to Kabul, Afghanistan, where he died in 1944.


The book draws heavily on Mounsi's growing up amidst petty crime in the red-belt suburbs and could be seen as a companion piece for films like La Haine.


They billed themselves The First Punk Band Behind The Iron Curtain (one of their songs has a title Behind iron curtain old brods are pulling the red beet).

Passiflora capsularis

Passiflora capsularis (red grandilla) is a member of the Passifloraceae family with vanilla scented, delicate white flowers around 5cm in diameter.

Ponyta and Rapidash

Ponyta and Rapidash were two of several different designs conceived by Game Freak's character development team and finalized by Ken Sugimori for the first generation of Pocket Monsters games Red and Green, which were localized outside of Japan as Pokémon Red and Blue.

Poul Reichhardt

Perhaps his best movie roles were as a resistance man (De røde Enge - “The Red Meadows", 1945), and as the soldier in Soldaten og Jenny, ("The Soldier and Jenny", 1947. His ability as a singer even made him opera roles (Papageno in The Magic Flute) and though normally considered a typical “man of the people” he also mastered the role as a man of the world.


Early depictions of Quasimoto were taken from the movie Fantastic Planet, specifically the leashed Oms who wore red masks with protruding snouts resembling skinny hippopotamus during the first "de-om".

Red Clay Ramblers

Mike Craver joined Red Clay Ramblers in 1973, and recorded with them on their first record, which was released by Folkways under the title The Red Clay Ramblers with Fiddlin' Al McCanless.

Red Data Book of the Russian Federation

Regional CIS Red Data Books are direct descendants of their counterparts in the former USSR which were established in individual SSRs and in certain special areas.

Red Giant Entertainment

Red Giant publishes a variety of webcomics with strategic partner Keenspot, most notably Wayward Sons: Legends, Exposure, Jade Warriors, Buzzboy, Medusa's Daughter, Katrina, and Porcelain.

Red Lake Falls, Minnesota

The last significant historic event in Red Lake Falls occurred on August 27, 1927, when the famous aviator, Charles Lindbergh and his wife, landed at the nearby airport during a barnstorming trip through the Upper Midwest and were taken on automobile rides to Huot and Crookston.

Red Volta

The Red Volta is a river that flows through the Upper East region of North Ghana and the international border of North Ghana flowing about 320 km to join the White Volta in the Upper East region of North Ghana and arising in Burkina Faso.

Salvage Code Red

But while the company may be best known for its part in salvaging the MS Riverdance ferry in Blackpool in 2008, featured in an upcoming episode of Salvage Code Red, Smit also responds to smaller, but no less dangerous and technically complicated, salvage operations every month.

Sam McDowell

The character of Sam Malone, the alcoholic ex-Red Sox pitcher portrayed by Emmy Award winning actor Ted Danson in the television program Cheers, was based on the baseball life of McDowell.


The Swedish hip-hop group Infinite Mass gained public attention after their appearance in the movie with their controversial song "Area Turns Red", also known as "Shoot the Racist".

Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge

There are no nature trails at this time, however from the surrounding roadways, there are opportunities to see northern harriers, red-breasted mergansers, black ducks, pied billed grebe, great blue herons, and numerous other bird species.

Stuart Richardson House

An oasis in the middle of a suburban landscape of Glen Ridge, the house was constructed of red brick, cypress wood, red concrete mat and glass.

Tectura virginea

It favours rock pools and smooth rock covered with encrusting red algae such as Lithothamnion on which it feeds.


The tube came painted in one's choice of several transparent colors (black, dark blue, light blue, purple, red) for an authentic "Jetsons" feel.

Typhoon Saturday

Formed in 1981 from the ashes of Worksop band Veiled Threat, singer Elaine McLeod, Bassist Derek Taylor and drummer Nigel Fitzpatrick recruited Nick Robinson on guitar to form Red Zoo.

UltraMantis Black

As UltraMantis, his original red and green attire was based on the main protagonist from the Kamen Rider series, while his ring name was derived from another Japanese television program, Ultraman.

Vincent Ford

Ford was given writing credit for "No Woman, No Cry" on the 1974 album Natty Dread, as well the songs "Crazy Baldhead" (with Marley's wife Rita), "Positive Vibration" and "Roots Rock Reggae" from the 1976 album Rastaman Vibration, along with "Inna De Red" and "Jah Bless" with Marley's son, Stephen.

Virginia Carroll

She appeared on screen in these westerns opposite Tex Ritter, Don "Red" Barry, Roy Rogers, Johnny Mack Brown, Bill Elliott, Gene Autry and Whip Wilson.