She also starred in the 1969 touring production of Shaw's On the Rocks opposite David Tomlinson, Robert Flemyng and Jack Hulbert.
Rachel | Rachel Carson | Rachel Whiteread | Rachel Ward | Rachel Hunter | Rachel Weisz | Rachel Dratch | Rachel Bilson | Rachel Roy | Rachel Griffiths | Rachel Zoe | Joseph Gurney Cannon | Ivor Gurney | Rachel Sweet | Rachel Stamp | Rachel Ruysch | Rachel McAdams | Rachel Maddow | Rachel Homan | Rachel Corrie | Dan Gurney | Rachel Tucker | Rachel Smith | Rachel Rath | Rachel McLish | Rachel Grady | Rachel Farley | Rachel Blau DuPlessis | Rachel Summers | Rachel Speght |
He was married twice, once to actress Rachel Gurney (1946-1950) and secondly to The Honorable Margaret Elphinstone (1925- ), a first cousin of Elizabeth II.