
unusual facts about Ramon Llull

Marina Abràmova

She has published numerous articles on the work of Martorell, and has also studied Ausiàs Marc and Ramon Llull.


A sick homosexual Middle Ages literature professor decides to leave as a heritage "Blanquerna", by Ramon Llull, for a young and intelligent pupil.

Fasciculus Chemicus

Arthur Dee's principal sources in his alchemical anthology include Petrus Bonus, John Dastin, Gerhard Dorn, Raymund Lull, Michael Maier, Laurentius Ventura and Evavadus Vogelius.

Francesc Pujols

In 1918, Francesc Pujols published the work Concepte General de la Ciència Catalana, in which he established the existence of a Catalan philosophical tendency, started by Ramon Llull and continued by Raymond of Sabunde (Ramon Sibiuda); this work contains his famous prophecy according to which the Catalans are exceptional beings because they are children of the land of truth.

Lluís-Anton Baulenas

In 2005 Baulenas won the most prestigious award in Catalan letters, the Ramon Llull prize, for his novel Per un sac d’ossos (For a Sack of Bones), dealing with the Spanish civil war.

see also