He began his journalism career in Chicago, as a reporter for WVON radio.
He became a familiar face on the evening news, covering eight wars and the Iranian Revolution.
Randy Daniels (born 1950), American Secretary of State of New York from 2001 to 2005
Randy Brecker | Randy Travis | Randy Stonehill | Jeff Daniels | Randy Quaid | Randy Lerner | Randy Johnson | Charlie Daniels | Randy Jackson | Randy Bachman | Randy Couture | Mitch Daniels | Randy Kuhl | Billy Daniels | Randy Moss | Randy Crawford | Anthony Daniels | Randy Houser | Gary Daniels | Randy Meisner | Paul Daniels | Jack Daniels | William Daniels | Randy Stuart | Randy Savage | Randy Orton | Randy Napoleon | Joe Daniels | Eddie Daniels | Christopher Daniels |
It is reported that he considered Secretary of State Randy Daniels and Erie County Executive Joel Giambra for lieutenant governor.