
10 unusual facts about Raoul Wallenberg

Gerhard Schmidhuber

In that capacity, he had extensive dealings with the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg and prevented the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in the face of the advancing Red Army.

Guy von Dardel

His half-brother from his mother's previous marriage, was Raoul Wallenberg.

Guy von Dardel was active in searching for and establishing the fate of his half-brother, Raoul Wallenberg, who was apprehended by Soviet troops in Hungary towards the end of World War II and subsequently disappeared.

Ingemar Eliasson

In 2003, Eliasson chaired a Commission of Inquiry into the 1945 disappearance and subsequent death of the diplomat Raoul Wallenberg.

John T. Pawlikowski

Raoul Wallenberg Humanitarian Award for Distinguished Contributions to Religion

KPMG Tower

A memorial to Raoul Wallenberg stands in a small park between the office tower and church, where a bust of Wallenberg and a caged metal box (styled as a barbed-wire gate) stand beside each other.

Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States

The Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States was created in May 1981 to "perpetuate the humanitarian ideals and the nonviolent courage of Raoul Wallenberg".

Raoul Wallenberg Traditional High School

Named in honor of the renowned Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, the high school was established in 1981 as an alternative high school within the San Francisco Unified School District.

Resistance during the Holocaust

Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, the Italian Giorgio Perlasca, Chinese consul-general to Austria Ho Feng Shan, and others saved tens of thousands of Jews with fake diplomatic passes.

Welsh National War Memorial

These include one to Raoul Wallenberg who was a Swedish Ambassador in Hungary and saved 100,000 people by issuing them with Swedish passports enabling them to flee to safety.

Georgia Slowe

Her Jewish heritage allowed Georgia to bring some authenticity to her roles in two productions based on the Holocaust; The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank with Mary Steenburgen and Wallenberg with Richard Chamberlain

Imre Varga

He created a wide array of works - ranging from statues of Vladimir Lenin to the Holocaust, to statues of Francis II Rákóczi, Raoul Wallenberg, Sir Winston Churchill and Béla Bartók to Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle.

Károly Szabó

He was a supporter of Raoul Wallenberg and had a significant role in making contact with the representatives of the Hungarian police and other state officials.

On August 4, 2010, the birthday of Raoul Wallenberg the International Mensch Foundation, the Carl Lutz Foundation, the Budapest Holocaust Memorial Institute and the 1944-2004 Foundation issued a Karoly Szabo memorial certificate.

Politics of Sweden

Some Swedish political figures that have become known worldwide include Joe Hill, Carl Skoglund, Raoul Wallenberg, Folke Bernadotte, Dag Hammarskjöld, Olof Palme, Carl Bildt, Hans Blix, and Anna Lindh.