
unusual facts about Raoul Dufy

Benjamin Ivry

Mon Docteur, Le Vin (My Doctor, Wine) by Gaston Derys with Watercolors by Raoul Dufy, translated by Benjamin Ivry, 2003, Yale University Press, ISBN 0-300-10133-3

Musée d'Art Moderne de Céret

From Cubism to the School of Paris, from Nouveau réalisme to Supports/Surfaces, the collections of the Museum shows the intense relationship between the city of Céret and some of the major artists of the twentieth century: Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Juan Gris, Chaim Soutine, Marc Chagall, Raoul Dufy, Auguste Herbin, Henri Matisse, Miró, Antoni Tàpies, Claude Viallat, and Toni Grand.

Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy

Some of the painters whose work is featured in the collections are Perugino, Tintoretto, Jan Brueghel the Younger, Caravaggio, Georges de La Tour, Charles Le Brun, Ribera, Rubens, Claude Gellée (known as Le Lorrain and Claude), Luca Giordano, François Boucher, Eugène Delacroix, Édouard Manet, Claude Monet, Paul Signac, Modigliani, Picasso, Raoul Dufy...

New Orleans Museum of Art

The museum is noted for its collection of European and American works, including works by Degas, Monet, Renoir, Picasso, Matisse, Pissarro, Rodin, Gauguin, Braque, Dufy, Miró, Jackson Pollock, Mary Cassatt, and Georgia O'Keeffe.

Paule Marrot

In 1973, Marrot exhibited 82 fabrics and tablecloths at the Exposition au Musée d’impression sur Etoffe de Mulhouse (Museum of Printed Textiles at Mulhouse), working with Fauve painter Raoul Dufy.

see also