
unusual facts about Rationalism

The Merchants of Souls

Söderblom (home to the rationalistic pleasure-seeking culture of Hedonia, where Giraut goes on vacation, and also of Freiporto, an anarcho-criminal culture where, until recently, an extreme version of Social Darwinism was the only law and slavery its currency).

Andreas Gottlob Rudelbach

During this period he edited, in collaboration with N. F. S. Grundtvig, the Theologisk Maanedskrift (13 vols., 1825 sqq.), and in 1829 was called to the pastorate of Glauchau, Saxony, where he powerfully aided religious awakening and revolt against the rationalism of the period, though at the same time he opposed any formal separation from the Lutheran Church.

Augusto Del Noce

His studies of modern rationalism reflected a broader interest in the relationship between Catholic thought and secular culture that he had developed during years in Turin.

Ferreira Gullar

We use the term "neo-concrete" to differentiate ourselves from those committed to non-figurative "geometric" art (neoplasticism, constructivism, suprematism, the school of Ulm) and particularly the kind of concrete art that is influenced by a dangerously acute rationalism.

International relations theory

The 'English School' of international relations theory, also known as International Society, Liberal Realism, Rationalism or the British institutionalists, maintains that there is a 'society of states' at the international level, despite the condition of 'anarchy' (literally the lack of a ruler or world state).

Irreligion in France

The 21st century, beginning with the advent of the American-led War on Terror, has enlivened the debate over the issue of religious liberty, expression and atheistic rationalism in France.

Italian modern and contemporary architecture

Rationalism found itself within the Gruppo 7 (1926), yet after the dissolution of the group, its distinguished figures Giuseppe Terragni (Casa del Fascio Como), Adalberto Libera (Villa Malaparte in Capri) and Giovanni Michelucci (Santa Maria Novella Station in Florence, in collaboration) appeared.

Karl Gottlieb Bretschneider

Hugh James Rose had published in England (1825) a volume of sermons on the rationalist movement (The State of the Protestant Religion in Germany), in which he classed Bretschneider with the rationalists; and Bretschneider contended that he himself was not a rationalist in the ordinary sense of the term, but a rational supernaturalist.

Lazarus Geiger

Unlike his uncle, Abraham Geiger, a pioneer of Reform Judaism, Geiger was a stanch opponent of religious reforms, and fought valiantly on many occasions against the leaders of rationalism.

Letters to a German Princess

The Marquis de Condorcet's translation, made during the Age of Enlightenment, was notable for its omission of Euler’s theological references which Condorcet found as "anathema" to teaching science and rationalism.


Recent philosophers who defended moral rationalism include R. M. Hare, Christine Korsgaard, Alan Gewirth, and Michael Smith (1994).


In his view, the marketplace of ideas is full of worldviews competing for the allegiance of each individual, and for some people, final allegiance to a system is due to sense experience, emotions, or political affiliation, while for others it is their particular religious tradition (Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Bahá'í Faith, etc.) or secular philosophy (empiricism, rationalism, Marxism, postmodernism, etc.).

Popes during the Age of Revolution

The pope's primary purpose was to obtain confirmation of the position he had taken in his Syllabus of Errors (1864), condemning a wide range of positions associated with rationalism, liberalism, and materialism.

The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom

During sojourns in Warsaw, Paris, and the fictional island of Nipu (based on Japan, known to natives as Nippon), the protagonist gathers numerous experiences that lead him to a rationalist outlook and teach him how to become a good man, and thus a good citizen.

William Whitehouse Collins

He was a rationalist (free-thought) lecturer and was involved with the English Secularists and obtained a diploma from the National Secular Society.

see also