Manfreda virginica, Rattlesnake Master; a species of flowering plant related to agaves.
Eryngium yuccifolium, Rattlesnake Master; a common herbaceous perennial plant, native to the tallgrass prairies of North America
Master of Arts (postgraduate) | Master of Arts | Master of Business Administration | Master's degree | Master of Science | master's degree | Master of the Rolls | Master | Master P | Master of Laws | Master of Fine Arts | Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin) | Master of Divinity | Old Master | Master's Degree | Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World | Master of Wine | Master of Education | His Master's Voice | Captain N: The Game Master | Master of the Horse | Master-General of the Ordnance | The Master and Margarita | rattlesnake | Master of Theology | master | Rattlesnake | Master's | Master of ceremonies | Master of Arts (Scotland) |
Chaparral Prairie supports the most extensive population of rattlesnake-master in the state.