Ray Klebesadel is a scientist, now retired, who was a member of the gamma-ray astronomy group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico that discovered cosmic gamma-ray bursts using data from the Vela satellites, which were deployed by the United States after the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963, to police the ban on nuclear tests in space.
Ray Charles | Ray Bradbury | X-ray | Man Ray | Satyajit Ray | Stevie Ray Vaughan | Ray Milland | Ray Liotta | Ray Davies | Sugar Ray Leonard | Billy Ray Cyrus | Ray Stevens | Blu-ray Disc | Ray Winstone | Ray Kurzweil | X-ray crystallography | Ray Brown (musician) | Ray Bolger | Ray Mears | Sugar Ray Robinson | Ray Anderson | Nicholas Ray | Lexemuel Ray Hesler | Sugar Ray | Ray | Ray Manzarek | Ray Brown | Ray Anderson (musician) | Ted Ray | Ray Conniff |