
unusual facts about Reflection


Bacchylides's Ode 5 includes, in addition to a brief reference to the victory itself, a long mythical episode on a related theme, and a gnomic or philosophical reflection – elements that occur also in Pindar's ode and that seem typical of the victory ode genre.

Bloedel Reserve

The Bloedel Reserve has both natural and highly-landscaped lakes, immaculate lawns, woods, a rock and sand Zen garden (formerly the swimming pool where poet Theodore Roethke drowned in 1963), a moss garden, a rhododendron glen, and a Reflection Garden designed with the assistance of landscape architects Richard Haag and Thomas Church.


Caldwell 68 (NGC 6729), a reflection/emission nebula in the constellation Corona Australis

Catalan number

The reflection principle has been widely attributed to Désiré André, but his method did not actually use reflections; and the reflection method is a variation due to Aebly and Mirimanoff.

Catholic Relief Services

After a period of institutional reflection, CRS embraced a vision of global solidarity and incorporated a justice-centered focus into all of its programming, using Catholic social teaching as a guide.

Catholic theology

Catholic theology is the ongoing academic reflection upon and speculation upon the doctrines of the Catholic Church, both of the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church of the Catholic Church.

Château d'Orion

Week of reflection with Julian Nida-Rümelin: Nachdenken über Rationalität, Freiheit und Verantwortung (Moderation: Ulrike Schneiberg) (2005)

Comparative theology

Comparative Theology is a branch of Christian theology which studies the religious diversity and its comparison, as well as theological reflection upon it.

Constitution of Angola

The new constitution was hailed as "a day of victory and happiness for the people of Angola" by Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, then president of the National Assembly, and Bornito de Sousa, who chaired the constitutional commission, said that the charter was "a reflection of equality, of good sense, and true representation of the electorate".

Dickie Dodds

The son of a clergyman, Dodds was a strong supporter of the Moral Re-Armament movement and cricket was, in his view, "a reflection of the Great Creator" and should therefore be played in a suitably dashing and creative style.

Dub poetry

Linton Kwesi Johnson (LKJ)'s album Dread Beat an' Blood first appeared in 1978, then Oku Onuora's Reflection In Red in 1979, followed by Benjamin Zephaniah's Rasta, and many others in the early 1980s onwards.

Echo and Narcissus

The introduction of the myth of the mountain nymph Echo into the story of Narcissus, the beautiful youth who rejected sexuality and falls in love with his own reflection, appears to have been Ovid's invention.


These features, such as reflection / introspection, the translation to an intermediate representation instead of machine code (the CIL) that still contains information about user-defined classes, platform independence and extensive thread management functionality, are supposed to allow for faster development and easier debugging of systems.

Ethel Sands

Friend Virginia Woolf wrote a sketch based upon her called "The Lady in the Looking Glass," subtitled "A Reflection," about a time that she saw her come "in from the garden and not reading her letters."


The participants presented their 'Fruits of Reflection' to the Vice-President on the European Commission Margot Wallström and to the Vice-President of the European Parliament Alejo Vidal-Quadras.

Faith and Politics Institute

Plans for the group resulted from an early "reflection group" that included Rep. Glenn Poshard, Ms. Anne Bartley, Rev. Joe Eldridge, and Rev. Doug Tanner.

Fermat's principle

Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen), in his Book of Optics (1021), expanded the principle to both reflection and refraction, and expressed an early version of the principle of least time.

Flemish Baroque painting

Painted for the Arquebusiers' guild, the Descent from the Cross triptych (1611–14; Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp)—with side wings depicting the Visitation and Presentation in the Temple, and exterior panels showing St. Christopher and the Hermit—is an important reflection of Counter-Reformation ideas about art combined with Baroque naturalism, dynamism and monumentality.

Gerald Gabrielse

Tom Stoppard's play "Hapgood" features a reflection by a bearded physicist on trapping antimatter.

Graveyard poets

Graveyard poets were also forerunners for the Romantic literary movement, due to the reflection on emotional states.

Head-related transfer function

HRTF describes how a given sound wave input (parameterized as frequency and source location) is filtered by the diffraction and reflection properties of the head, pinna, and torso, before the sound reaches the transduction machinery of the eardrum and inner ear (see auditory system).

How Green was my Cactus

The program commenced in 1986 during the tenure of the Labor Hawke Government in Australia, and featured Bob Hawke as its main character, although the program usually referred to him as "King Bonza the Charismatic" - a reflection of Hawke's larrikin image and populist appeal.

Jeremy Birchall

Power Rangers S.P.D. - Slate (episode: Reflection Pat 1), Wootox (episode: Recognition)

John Greer

Greer's public commissions include Gathering, 2001 for a park in Seoul, Korea and Reflection, 2001, the Monument to Canadian Aid Workers in Ottawa, Canada.

Madlener House

Former Graham Foundation director Carter Manny described the Madlener House as “an unusually successful amalgamation of tradition and innovation in architecture, a harmonious reflection of its time and place.” This amalgamation refers to the eclectic usages of then-popular architectural styles in the Midwest and abroad, as well as the incorporation of both organic and geometric design elements.

Malus Island

It was charted by the British Graham Land Expedition under John Rymill, 1934–37, and was named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee in 1960 for French physicist Étienne-Louis Malus, who discovered the polarization of light by reflection, a fact subsequently used in the design of snow goggles.

Mirror image

In geometry, the mirror image of an object or two-dimensional figure is the virtual image formed by reflection in a plane mirror; it is of the same size as the original object, yet different, unless the object or figure has reflection symmetry (also known as a P-symmetry).

Mirror Mirror: a history of the human love affair with reflection

Mirror Mirror: A history of the human love affair with reflection is a 2003 nonfiction book written by American investigative journalist Mark Pendergrast.

Mirror symmetry

Reflection symmetry, a geometrical symmetry with respect to reflection

New Birth of Freedom Council

Another feature of the Mall is a reflection area where Scouts can read a bronze plaque bearing the words of Rudyard Kiplings's poem If— The recently renovated indoor chapel at the top of the mall was dedicated in memory of Rabbi Goode, one of the Four Chaplains from the USAT Dorchester.

Online tutoring

This is often known as e-moderation, defined as the facilitation of the achievement of goals of independent learning, learner autonomy, self-reflection, knowledge construction, collaborative or group-based learning, online discussion, transformative learning and communities of practice.


He demonstrates how the appearance of color arises from selective absorption, reflection, or transmission of the various component parts of the incident light.

Phong reflection model

For example, it has been used to model the reflection of thermal radiation from the Pioneer probes in an attempt to explain the Pioneer anomaly.

Portland–Milwaukie Light Rail Bridge

Cascadia Crossing Transit Bridge: in reflection of the bridge's location

Reflection of Joey's Live

Reflection of Joey's Live is Joey Yung's second world tour and fourth major concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum.

Reflection theorem

In algebraic number theory, a reflection theorem or Spiegelungssatz (German for reflection theorem – see Spiegel and Satz) is one of a collection of theorems linking the sizes of different ideal class groups (or ray class groups), or the sizes of different isotypic components of a class group.

Schläfli symbol

A Schläfli symbol is closely related to reflection symmetry groups, also called Coxeter groups, given with the same indices, but square brackets instead p,q,r,....

Shen Jingdong

His painting The Bugle realized in 2012 illustrates perfectly his work, allowing each observer to have a new look on the contemporary art, but also a reflection and interpretation intellectual, sensitive and emotional.

Stand Athletic F.C.

The club's overgrown pitch and dilapidated home supporters' stand are a sad reflection of earlier, successful times, and can be seen from the East Lancashire Railway, close to the Irwell Vale railway station.

Surfer Girl

"In My Room" was perhaps Brian Wilson's first personal song, a reflection on having a place to go to feel a sense of security and safety from the stress of one's life.

The Bizarro Jerry

Also seen in the background of Kevin's apartment is a unicycle, which also is a reflection on Jerry's bicycle hanging in his apartment, and a PC - the opposite of Jerry's Mac.

The Magdalen Reading

The view through the window is of a distant canal, with an archer atop the garden wall and a figure walking on the other side of the water, whose reflection shows in the water.

The New Islander

Among some of the magazine's more personal pieces is a young man's recollection of the lessons learned while growing up in a Hispanic immigrant household, a young woman's reflection on an internship experience at the National Immigrant Justice Center, a young man's first-hand account of a Muslim protest in the streets of Paris, and an intoxicated student's unstable stream of consciousness.

The Yellow Book

According to Stanley Weintraub, "The color of The Yellow Book was an appropriate reflection of the 'Yellow Nineties', a decade in which Victorianism was giving way among the fashionable to Regency attitudes and French influences; For yellow was not only the decor of the notorious and dandified pre-Victorian Regency, but also of the allegedly wicked and decadent French novel".

Tony Dean Smith

An award winning graduate of the Vancouver Film School, he was selected to be one of five directors for the Directors Guild of Canada 'KickStart' 2003 program, resulting in awards and accolades for his film, Reflection.


Leland Ryken argues for seeing the call of God to a particular occupation as a reflection of the gospel call, and suggests that this implies vocational loyalty – "modern notions of job become deficient" and "the element of arbitrariness of one's choice of work" is removed.

When the Light Is Mine: The Best of the I.R.S. Years 1982–1987

# "So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry)" (Howard Libov, shot December 1983 at Reflection Studios, Charlotte, NC)

Wilmer Herrison

This exhibition shows like in a travelogue, the deities (with Pachamama, Malku,...), the history of the Amerindian peoples (with Aymara, Tiwanaku,...), the encounter with different civilizations (with Gallia, Bandera, July 14, Ottoman Remembrance, Murano, Arica,...), strength of nature (with Volcano, Hurricane, Naturaleza viva, Twilight with color, Reflection,...) and project ourselves into the universe and its origins (with Exoplanet, Mars, Sedna,...).

see also