
2 unusual facts about Vocation

Constantin Rădulescu-Motru

Vocaţia, factor hotărâtor în cultura popoarelor ("Vocation - a determining factor in peoples' culture"), 1932


Leland Ryken argues for seeing the call of God to a particular occupation as a reflection of the gospel call, and suggests that this implies vocational loyalty – "modern notions of job become deficient" and "the element of arbitrariness of one's choice of work" is removed.

A Very Natural Thing

The action cuts to the protagonist, David (Robert Joel), going through the ritual of being released from his vocation as a monk in a monastery.

Ambrose Barlow

However, upon completing this service, Barlow realised that his true vocation was for the priesthood, so he travelled to Douai in France to study at the English College there before attending the Royal College of Saint Alban in Valladolid, Spain.

Angelo Beolco

He developed his theatrical vocation by associating with contemporary Padua intellectuals, such as Pietro Bembo and Sperone Speroni.

Antón Lamazares

As his creative vocation began to shift from poetry toward painting, he undertook lengthy travels throughout Europe (1972) to study in person work by the masters he revered, including, Paul Klee, Rembrandt and Joan Miró, to whom would be added Antoni Tàpies, Manuel Millares, Alberto Giacometti and Francis Bacon, as well as Medieval art and the Art of Oceania.

August Hermann Ewerbeck

A physician by vocation and a German by birth, Ewerbeck is best remembered as an early political associate of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as a leader of the Parisian communities of the utopian socialist organization, League of the Just, and as the translator of the French writings of Étienne Cabet and Ludwig Feuerbach into German.

Blamire Young

It had been intended that he should become a clergyman, but Young felt that he had no vocation for that work and obtained the position of mathematical master at Katoomba College, Katoomba, New South Wales, which had been founded by John Walter Fletcher in 1884.

Brancacci Chapel

In the left lunette, destroyed in 1746-1748, Masolino had painted the Calling of Peter and Andrew, or Vocation, known thanks to some indications by past witnesses such as Vasari, Bocchi and Baldinucci.

Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy

He was destined for the medical profession, and well educated in Latin and Greek; but, having a natural propensity for the fine arts, he would not apply to his intended vocation, and was allowed to learn the rudiments of design under Perrier and Vouet.

Charles de Foucauld

In 1890, de Foucauld joined the Cistercian Trappist order first in France and then at Akbès on the Syrian-Turkish border, but left in 1897 to follow an undefined religious vocation in Nazareth.

Claude Vivier

From the age of thirteen, he attended boarding schools run by the Marist Brothers, a religious order that prepared young boys for a vocation in the priesthood.

Constitutions of the Carmelite Order

For the Carmelite the contemplative vocation is exemplified par excellence in the life of the Virgin Mary, beloved to the Order under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

David Witzthum

Schmidt M. and Zadoff N. (eds.): History as Vocation, a collection of essays in honor of Moshe Zimmermann on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Magnes Press (Hebrew), Jerusalem 2006, pp.

Edén Pastora

Mexico Secretary of Interior Esteban Moctezuma champion a pacific solution of the 1995 Zapatista Crisis He organized an creative strategy that demonstrated Subcomandante Marcos natural pacifist vocation and the terrible consequences of a military solution.

Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet

The Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet pour la vocation is a foundation in France that was founded in 1960, as La Fondation de la Vocation, by Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet (then president of Publicis).

Henry L. Dickey

He pursued the vocation of civil engineer, and in that capacity had charge of the construction of the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad in Vinton County, Ohio.

Hilda Chaulk Murray

Teaching has always been Mrs. Murray's vocation; having received her B.A.(Ed) in 1954, Miss Chaulk taught in Norris Point (1954–1955), Portugal Cove (1955–1959) and Gander (1959–1963).

Ignatius Maloyan

When he was fourteen years old, his parish priest noticed in him signs of a priestly vocation, so he sent him to the convent of Bzoummar, Lebanon where the Armenian Catholic Church still has its headquarters.

Joanne Gobure

In common with some other contemporary Oceanic writers (e.g., such as Afaese Manoa of Tuvalu), Gobure has the reputation of a writer with a very strong sense of religious vocation.

Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcanti

Born into a prominent family in Cimbres, province of Pernambuco, in the Northeast of Brazil, he showed an early vocation for the priesthood but the absence of local seminaries meant that he did all his studies prior to becoming a priest in Rome.

La Chapelle Royale

The initial vocation of the ensemble was to interpret the great French repertoire of the 17th century (Henri Dumont, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, André Campra, Jean Gilles...) but, since 1985, Herreweghe associated it more and more with his own Belgian ensemble, the Collegium Vocale Gent, in a repertoire almost exclusively dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach.

Les Passions

Its vocation is to convince the public that ancient music is as relevant to the present as are the writings of Molière, the paintings of La Tour or the architecture of Mansart.

Liam Cary

After ordination Father Cary served as the parochial vicar at St. Joseph Parish in Salem, Oregon (1992–1995), archdiocesan vocation director (1995–1999) and pastor at Sacred Heart Parish Medford, Oregon, St. Luke's in Woodburn, Oregon (1999–2011) and St. Mary's Church in Eugene, Oregon (2011–2012).

Manuel Duran Moreno

After graduation, instead of beginning a business career, he began preparation for the vocation of the priesthood, entering Our Queen of Angels Seminary in San Fernando, California.

Margaret Kirkby

The register of John Thoresby, Archbishop of York, confirming the enclosure suggests to Hughes that "in common with the epistles of Rolle, Margaret desired an eremitic life in order that she might fashion herself as a servant of God more freely and more quietly with pious prayers and vigils. Such language indicates how she and Rolle were pioneering a change in the conception of the eremitic vocation".

Mariana Derderian

During her third year of study, Mariana found out that her professional vocation was the theatre and decided to take evening workshop, first in the municipalities of Vitacura and Las Condes, and then in the Academy of Fernando González.

Monastic Family of Bethlehem, of the Assumption of the Virgin and of Saint Bruno

The vocation of the Monastic Family of Bethlehem, of the Assumption of the Virgin and of Saint Bruno communities consists in listening to the Gospel with the Blessed Virgin Mary in the heart of the Church, in love, in solitude, through liturgical life, study, work and poverty.

Monge de Montaudon

In this way he greatly improved the state of his priorate and, upon his request, was released from his monastic vocation by his abbot to follow Alfonso II of Aragon, whose vassal the viscount of Carlat and lord of Vic was.

Mustapha Haciane

He wrote two other pieces: back in Algeria he wrote La Vocation de 'abus et L'Escalier d'en face ("The Calling of abuse and the staircase opposite") and in Rio de Janeiro he began to write Les Orphelins de l'Empereur ("The Children of the Emperor").

Nancy J. Duff

She has taught courses on the Decalogue, Biomedical ethics, human sexuality, liturgy and the Christian life, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, James Cone, types of Christian ethics, and vocation in Christian tradition and contemporary life.

Nicolás Urquiza

He studied Industrial Design at the University of Buenos Aires for two years before finding his vocation at the private art school of Sara García Uriburu under the guidance of Carlos Bisolino.

Philipp Gonon

Gonon has done research about Georg Kerschensteiner, the relation of schooling and vocation and about the European educational reforms.

Pool Sharks

Vaudeville was Fields' primary vocation, and it would be nine years before he made his next known film, the 1924 film Janice Meredith

Real Women Have Curves

While attending Beverly Hills High School, where she is an accomplished student, she works in near-sweatshop conditions in her sister's dress factory alongside her mother, Carmen (Ontiveros), who considers this to be her younger daughter's vocation.

Saint Ghislain

It is probable that Ghislain influenced the religious vocation of St. Aldegonde, Abbess of Maubeuge, also of St. Madelberte and St. Aldetrude, of whom the first was the sister and the last two the daughters of St. Waudru.

Sébastien Parfait

Sébastien Parfait began to imagine and design jewelry very early on, a vocation that has never left him, and that became a reality when, five years after he first started, he entered the prestigious École du Louvre (HBJO).

Sydney MacEwan

However, throughout his life MacEwan had retained a deep love of the Catholic Church and, despite his earlier experience with the Jesuits, chose to abandon his fame and success to enter the Pontifical Scots College in Rome, to follow his vocation to become a priest.

Vocational Discernment in the Catholic Church

Thomas Aquinas, e.g., only explicitly uses the term vocation to refer to vocation to grace or conversion, or to enter religious life, though it has been argued that his teaching may be logically extended to include marriage as a vocation.

William Meninger

In 1979 Meninger was transferred to a daughterhouse of Spencer Abbey, St. Benedict's Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado, where he has served as Prior, vocation director, Master of novices, and teacher of theology and scripture.

see also