Central Intelligence Agency | National Security Agency | European Space Agency | International Atomic Energy Agency | United States Environmental Protection Agency | Federal Emergency Management Agency | United States Agency for International Development | United States Information Agency | Environment Agency | International Energy Agency | William Morris Agency | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority | advertising agency | The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | Regulatory compliance | Xinhua News Agency | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Defense Intelligence Agency | Creative Artists Agency | Canadian International Development Agency | Advertising agency | Texas Education Agency | Red Cloud Agency | Nuclear Energy Agency | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Canadian Space Agency | World Anti-Doping Agency | United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East | Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union | Russian Federal Space Agency |
AWWA members include: water utilities, treatment plant operators and managers, scientists, environmentalists, manufacturers, academics, regulators, and others with an interest in water supply and public health.
Sarah Bloom Raskin (Born April 15, 1961) is an American attorney and regulator, who is currently a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Since 1994, the sector has been gradually reformed through the creation of an autonomous regulatory agency, introduction of private sector participation, decentralization of the rural supply to 138 districts and increased community participation in the management of rural water systems.
Following a 1987 directive, six Chinese airlines were formed in 1988 when CAAC, the Chinese airline and government regulatory agency for aviation was split and reorganized.
European Medicines Agency, an EU regulatory agency for the evaluation of medicinal products
The Oregon Water Resources Department (WRD) is the chief regulatory agency of the government of the U.S. state of Oregon responsible for management of all surface and ground water in the state, which by statute belongs to the public.
The license and registration can be obtained at a securities regulatory agency such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S., the Ontario Securities Commission in Ontario, Canada, the Autorité des marchés financiers in France and Quebec, Canada, or the Financial Services Authority in the U.K.