
unusual facts about Reliquary


In 1388 the church was reconsecrated as ecclesia sanctae crucis (Holy Cross Church) in recognition of its Reliquary, holding what was believed to be a piece of the True Cross.

Aachen Cathedral Treasury

The reliquaries and the so-called Hungarian Donations, as well as pictures and sculptures of the Theotokos are displayed here.

These items included the Karlsschrein, the Marienschrein, Bust of Charlemagne, the Cross of Lothar, the ivories, the codices, and the two great Gothic reliquaries (Charlemagne's reliquary and Three Towers reliquary).

Constantius of Capri

A reliquary at Montevergine contains a bone with the label "Ossa S. Costantio E.C." Episcopus Confessor.

Holy Ampulla

These were placed in a new reliquary made in time for the coronation of Charles X four days later which is now displayed at the Palace of Tau.

Kanishka casket

The Kanishka casket or "Kanishka reliquary", is a Buddhist reliquary made in gilded copper, and dated to the first year of the reign of the Kushan emperor Kanishka, in 127 CE.

Maastricht silver

The oldest known piece stamped with the Maastricht hallmark is the so-called arm of Saint Thomas, a 15th-century silver reliquary in the shape of an arm, now in the Treasury of the Basilica of Saint Servatius in Maastricht.

Maurice of Inchaffray

According to a legendary account found in the writings of Hector Boece, Maurice brought to the battlefield the silver reliquary known to contain the left arm-bone of St Fillan, but for safety left the actual arm of the saint in the monastery.

Saint Namadie

She is shown on the Limoges enamel reliquary holding remains of her and her husband, the Saint Calminius Reliquary, which dates to the end of the 12th century and is held at the abbatiale Saint-Pierre de Mozac.

Schänis Abbey

According to the report of a monk from Reichenau Abbey the founder was believed to be Count Hunfried of Chur-Rhaetia, who was said to have promised Charlemagne to make the foundation for the worthy safekeeping of a precious reliquary cross containing a fragments of the True Cross, as well as an onyx vessel containing some of the Blood of Christ.


Sigiramnus’ relics were kept at the abbey of Saint-Cyran until 1860, when Eugénie de Montijo, Empress consort of the French, encased them in a reliquary and gave it to the church of Saint-Michel-en-Brenne.

Sumbat I of Klarjeti

The Art Museum of Georgia in Tbilisi possesses a late 9th-century reliquary cross whose donation inscription refers to Khosrovanush, wife of Sumbat, and her sons Bagrat and David.


Sir Heinrich von Ulmen, a knight, went on the Fourth Crusade to Constantinople, whence he brought valuable treasures back, among others the famous Limburger Staurothek (“Limburg Reliquary of the True Cross”), which can still be seen in the cathedral in Limburg an der Lahn.

see also