Rhus trilobata | Rhus ovata | Rhus dentata | Rhus aromatica |
Today the arboretum has grown to contain more than 370 taxa of woody plants, including major collections of Acer (130 taxa including 90 species and subspecies, with the remainder cultivars), Viburnum (27 taxa), Quercus (27), Cornus (23), Euonymus (15), Rhus (10), Tilia (9), and Liquidambar (4).
The Howiesons Poort period shows evidence for thicket or shrubland vegetation now usually found in gorges, such as Diospyros, Cassine peragua, Maytenus, Rhus, and Hartogiella schinoides.
Other genera on which she worked included Sarcocaulon, Haemanthus, Rhus, Plectranthus, Hessea, Strumaria, as well as Gasteria, Serruria and Diascia.
Poison Oak is part of the Sumac (Anacardiaceae)family, Toxicodendron diversilobum or Rhus diversiloba is the binomial name for Poison Oak in the Western United States and south to Mexico.
Rhus leptodictya is known as Mountain Karee in English, Bergkaree in Afrikaans, and Mohlwehlwe in Sotho.
Rhus pentheri Common Crowberry (English) Gewone Kraaibessie (Afrikaans) iNhlokoshiyane (isiZulu) Mutasiri (baVenda).