
8 unusual facts about Diospyros

Aders' duiker

adersi shows a particular dependence on the flowers and berries which grow prolifically from trees common to the area, such as ebony (Diospyros consolataei), kudu berry (Cassine aethiopica) and bush guarri (Euclea schimperi), and bushes such as turkey berry (Canthium spp.) and Polyspheria.

Bachkovo Monastery

The broad branches of a Diospyros Lotus tree, brought from Georgia more than two centuries ago, stretch over the courtyard.

Black-lyre Leafroller Moth

The species is primarily known as a pest of Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa), but the caterpillars feed on various other trees with fleshy fruit, such as Citrus, hawthorns (Crataegus), persimmons and ebonies (Diospyros), gum trees (Eucalyptus), fuchsias (Fuchsia) and grapevines (Vitis).

Dalbergia melanoxylon

African Blackwood is no longer regarded as ebony, a name now reserved for a limited number of timbers yielded by the genus Diospyros; these are more of a matte appearance and are more brittle.

Diepkloof Rock Shelter

The Howiesons Poort period shows evidence for thicket or shrubland vegetation now usually found in gorges, such as Diospyros, Cassine peragua, Maytenus, Rhus, and Hartogiella schinoides.


:Idesia as established by Scopoli is a suppressed name; see Diospyros.

Louisiade Archipelago

The Louisiade Archipelago rain forests form a distinct ecoregion, and are home to a number of endemic species, including several endemic trees (in genera Pandanus, Diospyros, and Hopea), as well as five endemic frog species, two endemic lizard species, and five endemic bird species.

Trochetiopsis ebenus

It is not related to the ebony of commerce (Diospyros spp.), but is instead a member of the mallow family, Malvaceae.

Calamander wood

It is also known as Macassar Ebony or variegated ebony and is closely related to genuine ebony, but is obtained from different species in the same genus; one of these is Diospyros quaesita Thwaites, from Sri Lanka.

Diospyros diepenhorstii

Diospyros diepenhorstii is a tree in the Ebenaceae family.

Diospyros korthalsiana

Diospyros korthalsiana is a tree in the Ebenaceae family.

Diospyros pilosanthera

Diospyros pilosanthera is a tree in the Ebenaceae family.

Diospyros plectosepala

Diospyros plectosepala is a tree in the Ebenaceae family.

see also