
2 unusual facts about shrubland

Boquerón department

The trees in the area are short and thorny; there are brushwood and cactus, dunes and small hills, especially in the north of the department.

Scrub brush

Shrubland, an environmental habitat characterized by vegetation dominated by shrubs

Adenanthos dobagii

It has been reported growing in sand-heath, open mallee, and in a low mixed shrubland of Allocasuarina humilis (Dwarf Sheoak), Isopogon trilobus (Three-lobed Conebush) and Melaleuca pulchella (Clawflower) over sedges.

Albany thickets

Finally the shrubland in mountain valleys to the northwest consists of predominantly the succulent (Portulacaria afra) along with Jade plant (Crassula ovata), the boxthorn (Lycium austrinum), Jacketplum (Pappea capensis), Euclea undulata, Rhigozum obovatum, Aloes and Schotia afra.

Cerro Miramundo

Cerro Miramundo, also known as Montaña de la Soledad, is a hill covered with dry shrubland located a few kilometers south of the city of Zacapa in Guatemala.

Changtang Nature Reserve

The vegetation is open shrubland and grasslands mainly dominated by Stipa grasses and Kobresia species ("bog sedges").

Chatham Raven

It may also have depended on fruit, like the New Caledonian Crow (C. moneduloides), but it is difficult to understand why a fruit eater would have been most common in coastal forest and shrubland when fruit was distributed throughout the forest.


The plateau extends over 240 hectares with a great landscape diversity - alternating valleys, forests of Austrian pines, oak, ash, shrubland, and vast flat plains peppered with groves.

Cyclamen rhodium

rhodium is white or pale pink with a pink nose and grows in shaded woodland and shrubland on the islands of Rhodes and Kos.

Denham's Bustard

They can be found in a considerable range of secondary habitats including dense shrubland, light woodland, farmland, dried marsh and arid plains.

Diepkloof Rock Shelter

The Howiesons Poort period shows evidence for thicket or shrubland vegetation now usually found in gorges, such as Diospyros, Cassine peragua, Maytenus, Rhus, and Hartogiella schinoides.

Durrie Station

The major habitats found within the area include vast areas of lignum, Muehlenbeckia florulenta, open shrubland and of sedgeland dominated by Eleocharis between the lignum.


It is known from the Central Valley and the valleys of the inner coast ranges, and from slightly north of San Francisco to Cedros Island, Baja California, where is grows on sandy coasts, in shrubland and salt marshes.

Geronimo Creek

The creek passes through steep to gently sloped terrain that is surfaced by clay and sandy loams that support scrub brush, honey mesquite, huisache and natural grasses including "Texas spur".

Gouania meyenii

This shrub grows in dry or moist forest and shrubland habitat in the Waianae Mountains of Oahu and Nā Pali Coast State Park on Kauai.

Hypericum scopulorum

It is a common plant in shrubland habitat, and it is a dominant species in some areas along with Cephalocroton and another local endemic, Helichrysum rosulatum.

Madura Station

The land is mostly gently undulating calcareous plains with eucalyptmelaleucamyall woodlands and chenopod shrubland interspersed with saltbush shrubland and bindii grassland.

Neds Corner Station

Much of the rest of the property consists of flat alluvial plains with mallee woodlands, chenopod shrublands, semi-arid grasslands and ephemeral lignum wetlands.

New Zealand Raven

It may also have depended on fruit, like the New Caledonian Crow Corvus moneduloides, but it is difficult to understand why a fruit eater would have been most common in coastal forest and shrubland when fruit was distributed throughout the forest.

Spotted Harrier

The Spotted Harrier is a terrestrial bird residing in open grasslands, open woodland including acacia and mallee, inland riparian woodland, grassland and shrubland.

see also