
6 unusual facts about Romanian hip hop

Romanian hip hop

However, the first hip hop album was released only in 1995 by R.A.C.L.A. and was called Rap-Sodia efectului defectului (Defect Effect Rap-sody).

Names such as Parazitii, B.U.G. Mafia, M&G, Renegatii, Da Hood Justice, Delikt, Dublu Sens, Morometzii, Pirats Klan and countless others started appearing between 1993 and 1995.

The first hip hop music video in Romania was B.U.G. Mafia's "Lumea e a mea" (The World is mine) in 1998 just before the founding of Romania's first TV music channel.

The most notable songs released in this period were "Pantelimonu' Petrece" and "Hoteluri" by B.U.G. Mafia in 1996 and 1997, "A vorbi e ușor" by Parazitii in 1997, "Cei care te calcă pe cap" and "Gara de Nord" by R.A.C.L.A. in 1997 and 1998 respectively.

Albums such as "De cartier" (Hood-like) by B.U.G. Mafia, "Nicăieri nu-i ca acasă" (There's no place like home) by La Familia and especially "Nici o problemă" (Not a problem) by Parazitii had a far better sound quality then anything previously released.

The divergence between east coast hip hop and west coast hip hop was soon imported into Romania with the creation of the Cartel ("Cartelul") representing the west coast with groups like B.U.G. Mafia, La Familia, Il-Egal, Dana Marijuana, Don Baxter and of RANS - "The Cry of National Agony - Syndicate" ("Răcnetul Agoniei Naționale - Sindicat") representing the east coast with groups like R.A.C.L.A., Da Hood Justice, Ghetto Dacii, Delikt.

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