
4 unusual facts about Room 101

Room 101

One sketch on That Mitchell and Webb Sound involved the hapless residents of room 102, the telescreen repair centre, who could not ignore the things happening in the next room.

In The Ricky Gervais Show, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant play a game called "Room 102," based on the concept of "Room 101," in which Karl Pilkington has to decide what things he dislikes enough to put in Room 102.

In The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier, the physical location of Room 101 (and the Ministry of Love) is given as the MI5 headquarters at Vauxhall Cross.

In the 2011 Doctor Who episode, "The God Complex", the Doctor and his companions find themselves in a hotel full of their own personal Room 101s, each with their greatest fear in it.

Kirsty Young

She appeared on Room 101 in 2004 during which she nominated cowboy boots, Britney Spears and 'baby on board' stickers among her pet hates.

Loose Talk

It was notable for giving Ian Hislop his first break in television, however he regretted the experience as he picked it as one of his pet hates for the comedy show Room 101 in 1994.

see also

Pera Palace Hotel

A key attraction, the Atatürk Room 101 remains as a ‘Museum Room’, with many personal items and reading material of the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk exhibited to the public.