Root mean square | root | Elihu Root | vegetable oil | Rusted Root | Root Sports | Root | Root-finding algorithm | Root! | Lewis Black's The Root of All Evil | Lewis Black's Root of All Evil | Jane Root | Vegetable oil | The Root | Root–Takahira Agreement | Root nodule | Root name server | root mean square | Root (linguistics) | root (linguistics) | root-knot nematode | Root Into Europe | root-finding algorithm | Root canal | Root (band) | :Robert Root-Bernstein | Richard Root | Mandrake Root | Lewis Black's: Root of All Evil | Let Me Tell Ya 'Bout Root Beer |
Taro, a root crop, traditionally was Samoa's largest export, generating more than half of all export revenue in 1993.
Mangelwurzel, Mangel worzel, a root vegetable, used as animal fodder, member of the Beta Vulgaris family