
unusual facts about The Root

Stewart Alexander presidential campaign, 2012

Other places on the internet also wrote about the campaign, including an article in The Root.

see also

Alfred A. Tomatis

Tomatis' approach began as an effort to help professional singers in his native Nice based on his idea that errant hearing is the root cause of a variety of ailments.


Alseroxylon is a purified fat-soluble extract of the root of Rauvolfia serpentina, containing reserpine and other nonadrenolytic amorphous alkaloids.

Basarab I of Wallachia

The linguist Sorin Paliga suggests that - despite many opposite hypotheses - his name may be one of the Thracian anthroponomical relics in Romanian, since the root bas-, bes- is well attested in Thracian (cf. Albanian besë ‘creed, faith’).

Boeing 787 Dreamliner battery problems

U.S. Department of Transportation secretary Ray LaHood stated the administration was "looking for the root causes" behind the recent issues.

Burkinabin C

Burkinabin C is a divanilloylquinic acid found in the root bark of Fagara zanthoxyloides (Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides).

Combined periodontic-endodontic lesions

# Perio-Endo: infection from a periodontal pocket may proliferate via accessory canals into the root canal of the affected tooth, leading to pulpal inflammation.

Cortinarius cinnamomeus

Cortinarius cinnamomeus colonizes the root systems of the sedges Carex flacca and Carex pilulifera, forming ectomycorrhizal-like structures lacking a Hartig net—a network of hyphae that penetrate between the epidermal and cortical cells of the root.

Dalea lasiathera

Among the Zuni people, the root of is chewed as candy, especially by children.

Domain Name System

When the DNS resolver gets a pointer (PTR) request, it begins by querying the root servers, which point to the servers of American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) for the 208.in-addr.arpa zone.

Dried and salted cod

Dried cod and the dishes made from it are known by many different names, many of them derived from the root bacal-, itself of unknown origin; explorer John Cabot reported that it was the name used by the inhabitants of Newfoundland.

Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism

He rejects Frum-Perle view that the root of the problem is in Islam (241-44).

Erebuni Fortress

Van as a root is also present in numerous other placenames in historical Armenia, including the city Van, Lake Sevan, and Nakhichevan, so it is probable that the van in Yerevan is another direct translation of the root.

Expected linear time MST algorithm

The root has m edges so the expected number of edges is equal to 2m plus twice the expected number of edges in each right subproblem.


Frankia is a genus of nitrogen fixing, filamentous bacteria that live in symbiosis with actinorhizal plants, similar to the Rhizobia bacteria that are found in the root nodules of legumes in the Fabaceae family.

George Thomas Gahan

The Liberal Party was aided by preferences from the Democratic Labor Party (DLP), which had broken away from the Australian Labor Party during the 1950s claiming that the root organisation was too soft towards communism; fears of left-wing influence was causing great concern in Australian society at the time.

Glossary of psychiatry

The omega sign is the occurrence of a fold (like the Greek letter omega, Ω ) in the forehead above the root of the nose produced by the excessive action of the corrugator muscle.


In Germanic languages, the root gave Old English gōs with the plural gēs and gandres (becoming Modern English goose, geese, gander, and gosling respectively), New High German Gans, Gänse, and Ganter, and Old Norse gās.


The plants used in the production of herbero include at least four of the following: sage, chamomile, pennyroyal, lemon verbena, the root of the blessed thistle, peppermint, cattail, fennel, anise, melissa, agrimony, savory, felty germander, thyme, and French lavender.

Horizontal gene transfer in evolution

In his article Uprooting the Tree of Life, W. Ford Doolittle discusses the Last Universal Common Ancestor – the root of the Tree of Life – and the problems with that concept posed by HGT.

Level ancestor problem

Every time a path is decomposed, an array is created in association with the path that contains the elements on the path from the root to the leaf.


The prefix, Malik, retains the root meaning of "absolute ruler", in Arabic or Aramaic, hence its subsequent coinage as an alternative to a representative of Allah's keenest followers.

Malo River

Its name is derived from the Breton port of St Malo (also the root of "Malvinas" - "Malouines), due to the French settlement established at Port Louis in 1764.


The root of both "mannose" and "mannitol" is manna, which the Bible records as the food supplied to the Israelites during their journey in the region of Sinai.

Marah oreganus

The Chehalis burned the root and mixed the resulting powder with bear grease to apply to scrofula sores.

Mazinger Z

This is often interpreted as the root of later series like GoLion, called Voltron, Defender of the Universe in the United States, the Transformers, and the giant robots in the Super Sentai Series (the basis for Power Rangers).

Neoregelia 'Dr. Who'

The root of the genus name, which was originally Regelia in the family Myrtaceae, was in honor of German botanist Eduard August von Regel, superintendent of the Saint Petersburg Botanical Garden in Russia in the 19th century.

Olney Theatre Center for the Arts

2005 Olney Theatre Center opens its new amphitheater, the Root Family Stage at Will’s Place, finally giving a permanent home to its Summer Shakespeare Festival.

Open Data Protocol

This URI is the root URI for the data source offered via the OData protocol.


Peak-to-Average Power Ratio, the peak divided by the Root mean square (RMS) of the waveform


Lesion nematodes are migratory endoparasites that feed and reproduce in the root and move around, unlike the cyst or root-knot nematodes, which may stay in one place.

Presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

Elisa Carrió and María Estenssoro, both high-ranking members of the main opposition parties, have claimed that the Argentine government's response to the allegations and its criticism of the U.S. are a "smokescreen", that the U.S. involvement in the affair was merely symptomatic, and the root cause of the scandal is corruption in the Argentine and Venezuelan governments.


Folklorist and historian of science Adrienne Mayor of Stanford University has suggested that the exquisitely preserved fossil skeletons of Protoceratops and other beaked dinosaurs, found by ancient Scythian nomads who mined gold in the Tian Shan and Altai Mountains of Central Asia, may have been at the root of the image of the mythical creature known as the griffin.


Strigolactones, secreted and detected by mycorhizal fungi, stimulate the germination of spores and initiate changes in the mycorhiza that allow it to colonize the root.

Root complex

Similar to a host bridge in a PCI system, the root complex generates transaction requests on behalf of the processor, which is interconnected through a local bus.


The drug is speculated to modulate the alternative splicing of the SMN2 gene, increasing the amount of the SMN protein whose deficiency is regarded as the root cause of the disease.

Spittal, Pembrokeshire

Its name is a corruption of the word Hospital, which is also the root of such names as Spitalfields, London, Spital, Merseyside, Spital-in-the-Street, Lincolnshire, etc: the village possessed a hospitium (place of accommodation for pilgrims) belonging to the Cathedral of St David's.

Surigaonon language

It is very closely related to the Tausug language of Sulu (specially the root Tausug language without the Arabic words influence) and the dying Butuanon dialect of Butuan.

The Ash-tree

It is soon discovered that the ancient ash tree outside his bedroom window is the root of the problem.

Theresa Amato

At NYU Law, Amato was the Root-Tilden Scholar from the 7th Circuit, the Senior Note and Comment Editor of the New York University Law Review, the recipient of the Orison S. Marden for first place oralist in Moot Court, and the recipient of the NYU Vanderbilt Medal for "extraordinary contributions to the School of Law".

Tikkun olam

Tzedek, the root of tzedakah, means justice or righteousness.


Ivan Duridanov has claimed that the river names Arsio, Arse in Old Prussia, Arsen and Arsia in Latvia and Arsina in Germany are derivation of the root ors-, ers “(for water) flow, damp” in the Indo-European language family (Hindi arşati) and ars- in the Thracian language.


The root uellauno- is found in many other Celtic names, including those of the goddess Icovellauna; the hero Cassivellaunos, later famous in Welsh legend as Caswallawn; and the Catuvellauni, a tribe of southeastern Britain, whose name may also be cognate with Catalauni (Châlons-sur-Marne) and Catalaunia (Catalonia).

Vila Nova de Gaia

The origin of the name Cale (or Gale, since in Classical Latin there was not always a clear distinction between the letters "g" and "c") is likely Celtic, from the root "Gall-" with which Celts referred to themselves, similarly to Galicia, Gaul or Galway.

Wappo language

Epenthesis also occurs in certain situations, depending on the form of the root and the suffix added.

Who Controls the Internet?

Jon Postel met an even more direct response when he attempted to retake control over the root naming and numbering system in 1998.

XSLT elements

Client-side XSLT can be implemented in a browser by adding a line like the following to the source XML file, right after the root XML tag.


Zallouh (Arabic: زلّوع) is made from the root of the herb Ferula hermonis, which grows at the height of 2000 meters above sea level on Mount Hermon between Syria and Lebanon.


The name is based on the Slovene common noun žerjav 'crane', referring to the local fauna, and is additionally confirmed by the Middle High German attestations, which contain the root kranech 'crane'.