
unusual facts about Roseli Ocampo-Friedmann

Friedmann Valley

His wife, Roseli Ocampo-Friedmann, was a member of the field party in the last four seasons.

Alexander Friedmann

The classic solution of the Einstein field equations that describes a homogeneous and isotropic universe is called the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric, or FLRW, after Friedmann, Georges Lemaître, Howard Percy Robertson and Arthur Geoffrey Walker, who worked on the problem in 1920's and 30's independently of Friedmann.

From his school days, Friedmann found an inseparable companion in Jacob Tamarkin, who at the end of his career was one of Brown University's most distinguished mathematicians.

Bernhard Friedmann

Bernhard Friedmann (born 8 April, 1932 in Ottersweier) is a German economist and politician of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.

Columbia Journal of Transnational Law

The 39th Annual Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award will be presented to Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi on April 2, 2013.

Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric

In the face of the observational evidence for the expansion of the universe obtained by Edwin Hubble in the late 1920s, Lemaître's results were noticed in particular by Arthur Eddington, and in 1930–31 his paper was translated into English and published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Horizon problem

The horizon problem is a problem with the standard cosmological model of the Big Bang which was identified in the late 1960s, primarily by Charles Misner.

Litzi Friedmann

Litzi Friedmann, born Alice Kohlmann (1910–1991), was an Austrian Communist of Jewish origins who was the first wife of Kim Philby.

Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon

This assumption of Friedmann's was subsequently confirmed by the publication of a geonic responsum (A. Harkavy, Teshubot ha-Ge'onim, p. 107, No. 229, Berlin, 1888), where a baraita from the Sifre de-Be Rab to Exodus is quoted, which is the same passage as that cited by Naḥmanides from the Mekilta de-R. Shimon b. Yoḥai, in his commentary on Ex. xxii.

The Judean sources, the Yerushalmi and the haggadic midrashim, introduce baraitot from this Mekilta with the phrase, "Teni R. Shim'on" = "R. Simeon has taught" (comp. Friedmann, introduction to his edition of the Mekilta, pp. 55 et seq.; Hoffmann, l.c. p. 48).

Yohanan Friedmann

Friedmann was born in Zákamenné, Czechoslovakia and immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1949.

see also