Rostral column, a monumental scaled column, frequently decorated with ship bows
Rostral scale | rostral | Old Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange and Rostral Columns | Rostral column | rostral column |
They are commonly called shield-nosed cobras or coral cobras after their cobra-hoods and enlarged rostral (nose) scales.
A rostral plate formed a pointed ‘snout’, several small plates around the mouth, and a dorsal spine pointing backwards.
In the holocephalan species Chimaera monstrosa (ratfish), he described, in the basal midline of the diencephalon, a previously unknown ependymal structure adjacent to the rostral part of the optic chiasma referred to as the ‘organon vasculare praeopticum’.
Seated marble figures decorate the base of each column each representing the major rivers of Russia — the Volga and Dnieper at the northern Rostral Column, Neva and Volkhov at the southern one.
The rostral is enlarged and elongated, imparting a characteristic somewhat pointed shape to the head.
SHH signaling from the MDO induces a posterior-to-anterior wave of expression the proneural gene Neurogenin1 in the major (caudal) part of the thalamus, and Ascl1 (formerly Mash1) in the remaining narrow stripe of rostral thalamic cells immediately adjacent to the MDO, and in the prethalamus.