
unusual facts about Rudd's Lark


There is one bird that is endemic to the high peaks, the Mountain Pipit (Anthus hoeschi), while another six are found mainly here: Bush Blackcap (Lioptilus nigricapillus), Buff-streaked Chat (Oenanthe bifasciata), Rudd's Lark (Heteromirafra ruddi), Drakensberg Rockjumper (Chaetops aurantius), Yellow-breasted Pipit (Anthus chloris), and Drakensberg Siskin (Serinus symonsi).

Amber Rudd

Rudd has been a director of the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize since 2003, an annual award for a first time woman playwright in the English language.


There is an important population of Dupont's Lark (Chersophilus duponti) in the surrounding environment.

Archer's Lark

The grasses in their habitat, which they need to survive are being destroyed by the Parthenium hysterophorus weed.

An example of a weed that has especially killed off the original habitat is the Parthenium Weed.

Ash's Lark

In order to give a complete, definitive description it must also be added that it is smaller than either the Rufous-naped Lark (M. africana), or the Red-winged Lark (M. hypermetra); that it is more greyish and marked on its mantle than either the Singing Lark (M. cantillans), or the Pink-breasted Lark (M. poecilosterna); and that its bill is not as thick as the former, and that it lacks the pinkish breast of the latter.

But even here, where it is locally common it is easily overlooked because it is also a home to nine other species of lark, such as the Red-winged Lark (M. hypermetra hypermetra) and the Somali Long-billed Lark (M. somalica rochei).

Australian Labor Party leadership spill, 2012

The Second Gillard Ministry was sworn in on 14 September 2010 by Governor-General Quentin Bryce, with Rudd accepting an offer from Gillard to become Minister for Foreign Affairs.

On 22 February 2012 Rudd, who had been on government business overseas, gave a press conference from the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. announcing his resignation as Minister for Foreign Affairs, citing the attacks on him by Crean and others he described as "faceless men" within the party, as well as Gillard's unwillingness to condemn the attacks when given the opportunity.

Australian Labor Party leadership spill, June 2013

Rudd was subsequently sworn in as Prime Minister for the second time, with Anthony Albanese being sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister.

Bud Moore Engineering

Armed with new sponsor Motorcraft, Rudd won five more races from 1985-1987, and had a best finish of fifth.

Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme

Gerard Henderson, the former Chief-of-Staff to John Howard, has described Rudd's emissions targets as "responsible".


To expand its coverage to surrounding areas, CHUB increased its power to 1000 watts in 1951, with Sun employees Chuck Rudd and Sheila Hassel arriving to manage the station; among the later staff at the station were evening DJ Larry Thomas (who joined that year), morning host Lyall Feltham (in 1956), news director Pat O'Neill and sports announcer Jim Robson (who arrived from Port Alberni's CJAV).

Dave Tolley

Tolley's drumming and percussion work can also be found on Rudd's June 2007 release, White Moth.

Derek Pegues

Pegues attended the same high school as Rudd, South Panola, which also produced current Pittsburgh Steelers starting Cornerback Deshea Townsend, Rudd's teammate in high school and college, at the University of Alabama.

Duncan Lewis

In December 2008 he began serving as National Security Adviser to the Rudd Labor Government.

Dunn's Lark

The species belongs to the genus Eremalauda; Stark's Lark of Southern Africa is sometimes placed in this genus as well but other authorities such as Handbook of the Birds of the World place it in Spizocorys.


The reservoir - known by many locals and fishermen as "The Ressy" - is stocked with a wide variety of coarse fish, most notably; Carp, Tench, Bream, Roach, Rudd and Ide among others.

Enid Blyton Society

Speakers at the Day have included Tim Rice and his daughter Eva, Gyles Brandreth, Marcus Harris, Gary Russell, Mary Cadogan, Sheila Ray, David Rudd, and Anne Digby.

Erlanger's Lark

The name of this bird commemorates the German ornithologist Carlo von Erlanger.

Every Time My Heart Calls Your Name

"Every Time My Heart Calls Your Name" is a song written by Gary Heyde and J.B. Rudd, and recorded by American country music artist John Berry.

Fiji–Tonga relations

Blaming Australia and New Zealand, the statement said "the Tongans as seen with their presence at the Minerva Reef will be manipulated through offerings of gifts and aid to try and turn up the ante", adding: "As far as Fiji is concerned there is no Mara or Tonga/Fiji situation. It is a Rudd and McCully spreading their wings to save face situation", in reference to Australian and New Zealand Foreign Affairs Ministers Kevin Rudd and Murray McCully.

Gillard Government

Following the 2011 Egyptian revolution and resignation of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, Rudd called for "constitutional reform and a clear timetable towards free and fair elections".

Henry Burbeck

Lucy was a descendant of Gov. William Bradford (1590-1657) of the Mayflower and Jonathan Rudd who was married, in a legendary ceremony, at Bride Brook in what is now East Lyme, Connecticut in December 1646.

Hughes Rudd

Rudd reported from around the world, including tours as a correspondent in Bonn, Berlin, and Moscow.

Ivanhoe Primary School

Also in 2010, as a result of the Rudd Governments B.E.R. program, construction of a large school hall commenced.

James Rochfort Maguire

In 1888, Rhodes sent him with Charles Rudd and Frank Thompson to negotiate a concession of land and mineral rights in Matabeleland from Chief Lobengula at Bulawayo.

James Westfall

The name James Westfall also appears in the movie Anchorman when Paul Rudd's character mentions he nicknames his left testicle James Westfall and his right Dr. Kenneth Noisewater.

Kelvin Thomson

It also commented: "Thomson's relegation to the backbench will be a setback for Labor. Ever since December, when Rudd promoted him to shadow attorney-general, he has dealt the Government more grief over David Hicks than Labor did collectively over the previous five years. Of the big changes to Labor's frontbench under Rudd, Thomson was the standout surprise performer." Thomson has not since been returned to the Labor cabinet.

Kulikalon Lakes

These include Himalayan Snowcocks, Saker Falcons, Himalayan Vultures, Solitary Snipe, Yellow-billed Choughs, Hume's Larks, Sulphur-bellied Warblers, Wallcreepers, White-winged Redstarts, Brown Accentors, Water Pipits, Crimson-winged Finches and White-winged Grosbeaks.

Labour Party leadership election, 2010

The Australian Labor Party leadership spill, 2010 refers to the leadership election held on 24 June after the Australian Labor leader and sitting Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was challenged by Julia Gillard.

Monegros Desert

Highly endangered are Great and Little Bustards, Eurasian Stone-curlew, Lesser Kestrel, Montagu's Harrier and Dupont's Lark, as these species are directly threatened by changes in the steppe ecosystem.

Pazardzhik Province

Fish is abundant in the dams, including carp, rudd, roach barbel, perch, zander and many others; the mountain streams are rich in trout.

Pecan Summer

The timeline of the opera moves from the Dreamtime; to July 2006, on the banks of the Yarra River near Federation Square in Melbourne; to 1939, on the banks of the Dhungala (Murray River) near the Cummeragunja Mission; to several months later in winter 1939; to Shepparton at an unspecified time; to Federation Square on 13 February 2008, the day of Kevin Rudd's apology.

Railway signal

This was possibly superior to but definitely different from the speed signalling system of semaphore blade positions developed by A.H. Rudd and accepted as standard by the American Railway Association Signal Section in 1915 where multiple red aspects are most common.

Ricky Rudd

After his only win of 1989 came at the inaugural Sears Point event, Rudd departed the operation, and in 1990 he signed with Hendrick Motorsports to drive the #5 Levi Garrett Chevrolet Lumina.

Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale

Heading the Rudd Center is Director Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D., who is also professor of psychology at Yale.

Located in New Haven, Connecticut at Yale University, the Rudd Center was co-founded in March 2005 by benefactor Leslie Rudd and Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D.

Sure Feels Good

The video stars Mike Di Scala and Chris Henry from Ultrabeat, Darren Styles, Rebecca Rudd, and Playboy model Lisa-Marie Bourke with other models as the strippers.

Sykes's Lark

It has streaks on its breast which are less prominent than those found in the Oriental Skylark.

Tembe Elephant Park

More than 340 bird species have been recorded in Tembe, including the rare Rudd's Apalis, the Rufous-bellied Heron, the Natal Nightjar and the Woodward's Batis.

Tony Rudd

Rudd was involved in the development of the V16 and four-cylinder P25 cars and started to assume more prominence after the Rubery-Owen takeover of the team.

West Tamworth, New South Wales

It is also a popular venue during the Tamworth Country Music Festival in January and artists such as John Butler Trio, The Baileys, John Williamson, Pete Murray, The Waifs, Missy Higgins, Grinspoon, Xavier Rudd and Kasey Chambers have all played at the club.

Williams's Lark

The other inhabits a particular area (elevated between 600m and 1,350m) lying between Isiolo and Garba Tula.

see also