
2 unusual facts about Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré

Eugenia Tadolini

At first she lived in an apartment on the Champs-Élysées, but worried that her money would run out, she later moved to less expensive quarters on the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.

Honoratus of Amiens

The chapel became one of the richest in Paris, and gave its name to Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.

7 for all Mankind

7 For All Mankind also operates standalone retail stores, which as of 2009 number 18 in the US, and 11 internationally, including opening a standalone store in Canada's West Edmonton Mall, London's Regent Street and Paris' Rue Saint-Honoré.

Ateliers Clérissy

On 23 November 1695 Joseph and Honoré Clerissy, nephews of Pierre Clerissy of Moustiers, established themselves in Varages, about midway between Moustiers and Marseille.


Raphaël Blanchard, Le ba’cubert : l’art populaire dans le Briançonnais, Librairie ancienne Honoré Champion, 1914, 90 p.

Charles d'Albert, duc de Luynes

He was the first son of Honoré d'Albert (d. 1592), seigneur de Luynes, who was in the service of the three last Valois kings and of Henry IV of France.

Charles de Condren

He gave up his family inheritance, which by the law of primogeniture was his, and entered the house of the French Oratory founded by the Abbé (later Cardinal) Pierre de Bérulle on the Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris, having thought before that of becoming a Capuchin friar.

Country Doctor

Le Médecin de campagne (English: The Country Doctor), an 1833 novel by Honoré de Balzac

Edwin Cameron

Cameron has co-authored a number of books, including Defiant Desire – Gay and Lesbian Lives in South Africa (with Mark Gevisser) and Honoré's South African Law of Trusts.

François Racine de Monville

He was also noted for originality as an architect, designing two town houses, the Grand and Petit Hotel de Monville, which were built by architect Étienne-Louis Boullée in Paris at the corner of the rue d'Anjou and rue Saint-Honoré in Paris.

Georges Darien

Georges-Hippolyte Adrien was born at 46, Rue du Bac in Paris, to linen draper Honoré-Charles-Emile Adrien, born in 1822 in the Charente, and Françoise-Sidonie Adrien, née Chatel.

Grinda Brothers

Honoré Grinda (30 September 1754 in Nice – 15 June 1843 in Prats-de-Mollo) first learned carpentry with his grandfather, then became an apprentice under Jean-Esprit Isnard, a Dominican from Tarascon near Avignon, himself a noted organ-builder.


In 1622 the motherhouse was transferred to the Saint-Honoré, where a new monastery and church were built, the latter being dedicated to the Assumption of Mary, from which the religious were thenceforth called Daughters of the Assumption.

Honoré Armand de Villars

Don Honoré Armand de Villars, 2e duc de Villars (4 October 1702, Paris - May 1770, Aix), Duke and Peer of France, Prince of Martigues, Grandee of Spain, Knight of the Golden Fleece, Viscount of Melun, Marquis of la Melle, Count of Rochemiley, was a French nobleman, soldier and politician.

Honoré Bonet

Honoré Bonet (c. 1340–c. 1410) was a Provençal Benedictine, the prior of Salon near Embrun.

Honoré N. Razafindramiandra

Honoré N. Razafindramiandra was an Alma mater of Institut d'études politiques de Paris and graduated from the Public Service Division in 1965.

Honoré Savy

Honoré Savy (1725-1790) was the founder of a factory that manufactured Faïence wares in Marseille, France between 1749 and 1790.

The Musée de la Faïence de Marseille has an important collection of work by Honoré Savy

Honoré-Gaspard de Coriolis

A Jesuit, he served as Vicar general of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mende.

Honoré-Jean-Aristide Husson

Honoré Jean Aristide Husson (born in Paris on 1 July 1803, died in Meudon on 30 July 1864) was a French academic sculptor of the 19th century.

Jean-François-Théodore Gechter

Battle between Charles Martel and Abd er Rahman, King of the Saracens, 1833 : with Jean-Honoré Gonon - commissioned by the French Ministry of Commerce.

Julien Loriot

Loriot finally arrived in Paris, when he joined the noted Oratory on the Rue Saint-Honoré.

Loeiz Honoré

Loeiz Honoré (born 26 January 1961 at La Guerche de Bretagne, France) is a violin maker living in Cremona, Italy since 1978.

Lost Illusions

Illusions perdues, serial novel published by Honoré de Balzac between 1837 and 1843

Ma Mère

Honoré shot the film on location on the island of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

Malabar large-spotted civet

In the 19th century, Malabar civets occurred throughout the Malabar coast from the latitude of Honore to Cape Comorin.


The Parisian marchands-merciers congregated in rue Saint-Honoré, marking their establishments with catchy and amusing signs; there could be found the premises of Hébert, Simon-Philippe Poirier— and later at the same premises at the sign of the Golden Crown his partner Dominique Daguerre and Martin-Eloi Lignereux— Mme Dulac, Julliot, Lebrun at the King of the Indies and Tuard au château de Bellevue.

Nonantola Abbey

In that year the famous monk Placidus of Nonantola wrote his De honore Ecclesiæ, one of the most able and important defences of the papal position that was written during the Investiture Conflict.

Pierre Février

Born at Abbeville on 21 March 1696, he arrived in Paris in 1720 and served as titular organist of two churches on Saint-Honoré street: the Jacobins' church (destroyed at the Revolution) and Saint-Roch (still standing).

Rue du Bac, Paris

Some of its elements have been redisplayed at the musée Jacquemart-André, the Hôtel de Pontalba (rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré) and the castle of Vaux-le-Pénil (near Melun in Seine-et-Marne department).

Rue Saint-Honoré

It is named after the collegial Saint-Honoré church situated in ancient times within the cloisters of Saint-Honoré.

Russel L. Honoré

Honoré's arrival in New Orleans came after what was widely believed to be a poor performance by the state and local agencies and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and its director Michael D. Brown.

Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora

In only 10 years, "Little Jaffna", located at the last stretch of the winding street of Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis in the 10th arrondissement, between metros Gare de Nord and La Chapelle, has sprung to life and begun to truly flourish.


Finally, Zebrastraat possesses its own art collection, with works by Nick Ervinck, Panamarenko, Thomas Huyghe, Honoré d’O, ...

see also