
2 unusual facts about Georges Darien

Georges Darien

(Quoted by Auriant.)Darien anticipated Louis-Ferdinand Céline by pointing out the convergence of the aspirations of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie towards their consolidation within a single class.

Georges-Hippolyte Adrien was born at 46, Rue du Bac in Paris, to linen draper Honoré-Charles-Emile Adrien, born in 1822 in the Charente, and Françoise-Sidonie Adrien, née Chatel.


Numerous activists contributed to the paper, including Jean Grave, Bernard Lazare, Albert Libertad, Octave Mirbeau, Saint-Pol-Roux, Tristan Bernard, Georges Darien, Lucien Descaves, Sébastien Faure, Félix Fénéon, Émile Henry, Camille Mauclair, Émile Verhaeren, and Adolphe Tabarant.

see also