Rusty Nails, a children's entertainer who inspired The Simpsons character Krusty the Clown
Tooth & Nail Records | JLA: The Nail | Rusty Staub | Rusty Wallace | Jimmy Nail | Rusty Hopkinson | Rusty Humphries | Rusty Schweickart | Rusty Magee | Nail (engineering) | Rusty Torres | Rusty Ps | Rusty DeWees | Rusty-breasted Whistler | Rusty Anderson | nail | Tooth and Nail | Rusty Warren | Rusty Lisch | Rusty Lemorande | Rusty Kidd | Rusty Foster | Rusty-faced Parrot | Rusty Collins | Nail polish | Nail clubbing | JLA: Another Nail | Tooth and nail syndrome | The Rusty Razor | Sol's Rusty Trombone |