
2 unusual facts about SKT


The Siberian Confederation of Labour (Сибирская Конфедерация Труда) or SKT is a Siberian anarcho-syndicalist union, the largest union being in the city of Omsk.

Skt. Jørgens Gymnasium

Jørgens Gymnasium (1858–1991) was a Danish grammar school located in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.


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Various Four-armed Mahākālas (Skt. Chatur-bhuja Mahākāla, Tib. Wylie: mGon po phyag bzhi pa) are the primary protectors of the Karma Kagyu, Drikung Kagyu and the Drukpa Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.


The Tōdai-ji Shuni-e ceremony was originally started by Jitchū, a monk of the Kegon school, as a devotion and confession to the Bodhisattva KannonSkt: Avalokiteśvara).

see also