Afghani also spent ten years composing a biography of Aisha, the Muslim prophet Muhammad's second or third wife; the book was noted for Afghani's views on women in Islam, which Moroccan feminist writer Fatema Mernissi described as representative of all the Muslim world's most conservative views.
Abba Yahiyya or Abu Yahiyya, was the leader of a sect of Afghani Alenzar (Nizariun Hagarenes) who followed an independent Ishmaili Sufi Herat tradition, introduced to the west by Omar Michael Burke in his 1976 book Among the Dervishes.
Later, he is said to have participated with his fellow Medinans in the defense of their city against the Umayyad army at the Battle of al-Harrah in 64/683.
The Pashto language, which is also referred to as Afghani or Afghani language
The others who also remained were: Fawaz Yahya al-Rabeei, Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nahdi, Mustafa Abdulkader Aabed al-Ansari, Omar Ahmad Omar al-Hubishi, Ammar Abadah Nasser al-Wa'eli, Samir Abduh Sa'id al-Maktawi, Abdulrab Muhammad Muhammad Ali al-Sayfi, Abu Nasr al-Tunisi, Abu Mu'az al-Jeddawi and Amin Saad Muhammad al-Zumari.
The others who also remained were: Fawaz Yahya al-Rabeei, Omar Ahmad Omar al-Hubishi, Ammar Abadah Nasser al-Wa'eli, Alyan Muhammad Ali al-Wa'eli, Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nahdi, Mustafa Abdulkader Aabed al-Ansari, Samir Abduh Sa'id al-Maktawi, Abdulrab Muhammad Muhammad Ali al-Sayfi, Abu Nasr al-Tunisi and Abu Mu'az al-Jeddawi.
The others who also remained were: Fawaz Yahya al-Rabeei, Omar Ahmad Omar al-Hubishi, Mustafa Abdulkader Aabed al-Ansari, Alyan Muhammad Ali al-Wa'eli, Ammar Abadah Nasser al-Wa'eli, Samir Abduh Sa'id al-Maktawi, Abdulrab Muhammad Muhammad Ali al-Sayfi, Abu Nasr al-Tunisi, Abu Mu'az al-Jeddawi and Amin Saad Muhammad al-Zumari.
According to Islamic scholar Khaleel Mohammed, throughout the world, Muslim intellectuals are punished for criticizing various aspects of traditional and contemporary Islam, citing the case of Muhammad Sa'id al-'Ashmawi, who is being held in Egypt under house arrest for his own protection; Abdel Karim Soroush who was beaten in Iran for raising the voice of inquiry, and Mahmoud Tahawho was killed in Sudan.
The others who also remained were: Fawaz Yahya al-Rabeei, Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nahdi, Mustafa Abdulkader Aabed al-Ansari, Alyan Muhammad Ali al-Wa'eli, Ammar Abadah Nasser al-Wa'eli, Samir Abduh Sa'id al-Maktawi, Abdulrab Muhammad Muhammad Ali al-Sayfi, Abu Nasr al-Tunisi, Abu Mu'az al-Jeddawi and Amin Saad Muhammad al-Zumari.
The others who also remained were: Fawaz Yahya al-Rabeei, Omar Ahmad Omar al-Hubishi, Ammar Abadah Nasser al-Wa'eli, Alyan Muhammad Ali al-Wa'eli, Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nahdi, Mustafa Abdulkader Aabed al-Ansari, Abdulrab Muhammad Muhammad Ali al-Sayfi, Abu Nasr al-Tunisi, Abu Mu'az al-Jeddawi and Amin Saad Muhammad al-Zumari.
On the weekends the station hosts music and other forms of culture (such as literature) from a greater variety of ethnicities, currently including Chinese, Afghani, Polish and music of black origin.
Recently, C.N. Afghani came up with a new book entitled Kafirkah Aku? or Am I an infidel? which strikes directly at Abdul Hadi Awang.