
unusual facts about Saadia Gaon

Chassidei Ashkenaz

The theology of the Chassidei Ashkenaz is certainly independent and unique; however, it does contain meaningful similarities to the theologies of both the early kabbalists and of Saadia Gaon.

Abraham bar Hiyya

Against Rapoport, Guttmann has shown (Monatsschrift, p. 201, note 2) that Naḥmanides read and used the Hegyon ha-Nefesh, though occasionally differing from it; but while Saadia is elsewhere quoted by Abraham b.

Ahavat Olam

Saadia Gaon had made a ruling that followed that of his predecessor Amran.

Jewish Kalam

The best known practitioner of Jewish Kalam was Saadia Gaon, and Jewish Kalam represented the philosophical battlefield upon which Saadia attacked his Karaitic opponents.

see also