Prenatal testing is usually performed around 15–18 weeks, using amniocentesis to extract DNA from the fetus's cells.
Linkage analysis and chromosomal rearrangement revealed the cause of SCS to be mutations in the TWIST gene (twist transcription factor gene) located on chromosome 7p21.
Down syndrome | Tourette syndrome | Asperger syndrome | Marfan syndrome | Down Syndrome | Turner syndrome | Down's syndrome | Asperger's syndrome | Williams syndrome | Stockholm syndrome | Severe acute respiratory syndrome | Rett syndrome | Irukandji syndrome | Chronic fatigue syndrome | Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein | Tourette Syndrome Association | syndrome | severe acute respiratory syndrome | Premenstrual syndrome | Le syndrome de Peter Pan | Alport syndrome | Usher syndrome | The China Syndrome | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | Stockholm Syndrome (band) | Stockholm Syndrome | Stickler syndrome | Stevens–Johnson syndrome | Sjögren's syndrome | Restless legs syndrome |