
unusual facts about Saint Martial

Saint Martial

All that is known about him may be summed up thus: Under the Emperors Decius and Gratius (AD 250-251), Pope Fabian sent out seven bishops from Rome to Gaul to preach the Gospel: Gatien to Tours, Trophimus to Arles, Paul to Narbonne, Saturnin to Toulouse, Denis to Paris, Austromoine to Clermont, and Martial to Limoges.


It is now well established that Saint Martial, Amadour's contemporary in the legend, lived in the 3rd not the 1st century, and Rome has never included him among the members of the Apostolic College.

Theodore Cyrus Karp

Besides trouvère monophony, Karp has written articles on the polyphony of the schools of Saint Martial's, Santiago de Compostela, and Notre Dame.

see also

Collège Canado-Haïtien

It also served several students from The Petit Séminaire Collège Saint Martial, the Saint-Louis de Gonzague School and other schools.

Ordo Rachelis

There are the Lamentatio Rachelis from Saint-Martial at Limoges (eleventh century), a lengthy part of an Epiphany play from Laon (twelfth century), a play from Freising (late eleventh century), and another one from Fleury (thirteenth century).

Palais des Papes

From 1347 to 1348, Matteo Giovannetti was in charge of the Saint-Jean chapel, located under the Saint-Martial chapel.

Saint Valerie

Valerie of Limoges, according to legend, an associate of Saint Martial, a cephalophoric martyr