
unusual facts about Saint Quentin

Saint Quentin

But, on the way, in a town named Augusta Veromanduorum (now Saint-Quentin, Aisne), Quentin miraculously escaped and again started his preaching.

see also

Battle of St. Quentin

Battle of the Canal du Nord (September 1918), the French breaching of the Hindenburg line is sometimes called the "battle of Saint Quentin"

There have been a number of battles known as the Battle of Saint Quentin, most of which were fought in the vicinity of Saint-Quentin, Aisne in Picardy, France.

Operation Michael (March 1918), German operation which the British called the "battle of Saint Quentin"


The American architect Kevin Roche worked on this building, as well as the previous head office location, the Challenger complex in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

Bullecourt 1917, Jean and Denise Letaille museum

In 2008, the Australian Department of Veterans Affairs wants to upgrade seven sites showing the Australian forces during the First World War (Ypres and Passchendaele in Belgium; Fromelles, Bullecourt, Mont-Saint-Quentin, Pozières and Villers-Bretonneux).

Charles Bernardy

From 1775 to 1780, the troop put on shows at Amiens, Cambrai, Strasbourg, Colmar, Paris (at the "théâtre des Petits Comédiens du Bois de Boulogne"), Angers, Le Mans, Aix-en-Provence, Toulon, Marseille, Dijon, Passy, Saint-Quentin, Antwerp and Brussels.


The railway station in Chauny is part of the Paris - St Quentin - Maubeuge line, and is well serviced by Corail and TER trains towards Paris, Compiègne and Saint Quentin.

Édouard Pingret

He was born at Saint-Quentin, Aisne, the son of a middle-class family in a mainly agricultural region, but also home to the celebrated General Cambronne and to illustrious notaries and Normandy judges.

Gare de Caudry

Caudry was formerly connected by secondary lines with Saint-Quentin via Le Catelet, Cambrai, Denain via Quiévy and Saint-Aubert and Catillon via Le Quesnoy.

Gare du Tréport-Mers

Until 2 October 1938, Le Tréport-Mers was also connected to Dieppe by the Eu - Dieppe line; part of this closed line, between Saint-Quentin-au-Bosc and Eu, has since become a footpath, the chemin vert du Petit Caux (Petit Caux greenway).

Gustave Biéler

The "rue du Commandant Guy Biéler" in Saint-Quentin was named for him and as one of the SOE agents who died for the liberation of France, he is listed on the "Roll of Honor" on the Valençay SOE Memorial in the town of Valençay, in the Indre département.

His operations were so successful that the Germans instituted a special manhunt to get him and his team and on 13 January 1944 the Gestapo arrested him and agent Yolande Beekman in the Café Moulin Brulé in Saint-Quentin.

Herbert of Vermandois

Herbert I, Count of Vermandois (c. 848/850–907), Count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, of Peronne and of Saint Quentin, son of Pepin of Vermandois

James Park Woods

On 18 September 1918, near Le Verguier, north-west of St. Quentin, France, Private Woods, with a weak patrol, attacked and captured a formidable enemy post consisting of four heavy and two light machineguns which, with two comrades, he held against heavy counterattacks.

John Günther I, Count of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen

He fought in the Netherlands alongside his eldest brother Günther XLI and distinguished himself during the conquest of Saint-Quentin in 1583.

Léon Krier

As projects get bigger, he goes on to argue, the buildings should not get bigger, but divide up; thus, for instance, in his unrealised scheme for a school in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (1978), France, the school became a “city in miniature”.

Ludwig Kübler

At the beginning of the First World War he was serving with the 15th Royal Bavarian Infantry Regiment "King Friedrich August of Saxony" at the Western Front and was involved in September 1914 fighting in Lorraine and around St Quentin as commander of a machine gun platoon.

Nicolas Goupillet

In any event the king was not too hard on Goupillet and awarded him a modest pension and a canonship at Saint-Quentin, Aisne.


Another option was to move his seat to Saint-Quentin but the wine (an essential ingredient in the Roman Catholic rituals) produced in Noyon was much better than the wine produced in Saint-Quentin.

Richard Atkyns

The party left Dover in October 1636 or 1637, and travelled, by way of Calais, to Douai, where they stayed some time at the English College; thence they set out, by way of Cambray and St. Quentin, to Paris.


Every four years, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines serves as the start and finish point of the famous Paris–Brest–Paris bicycling endurance event.


Joseph Monier, the inventor of reinforced concrete used in construction, was born in the village in 1823.

Saint-Quentin, New Brunswick

Joseph Arthur Melanson, the largest settler and missionary in Saint-Quentin Parish, originally named Anderson Siding, launched a large program of colonization.


The closest station to Voisins-le-Bretonneux is Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines station on Paris RER line C, on the Transilien La Défense suburban rail line, and on the Transilien Paris – Montparnasse suburban rail line.