
unusual facts about Salin, Burma

352d Special Operations Group

The unit then served in the China-Burma-India Theatre of operations, with the fighter units flying missions over Bangkok, Thailand.

89th Punjabis

In 1910, the Burma Battalions were delocalized from Burma and in 1914, the regiment moved to Dinapore in India, just before the outbreak of First World War.


When the color inclines to a violet tint, the stone is often called Syriam garnet, a name said to be taken from Syriam, an ancient town of Pegu (now part of Myanmar).

Andrew Weir, 1st Baron Inverforth

He was also chairman of the Anglo-Burma Rice Company and of the Wilmer Grain Company, and was also on the board of Lloyds Bank.

Ava Kingdom

Founded in 1364, the kingdom was the successor state to the petty kingdoms (MyinsaingPinya and Sagaing) that had ruled central Burma since the collapse of Pagan Empire in the late 13th century.


Balamindin was born Maung Lwin in the Moksobo region (present-day Shwebo District) in Upper Burma.

Battle of Elephant Point

On 22 March, as the joint battles of Meiktila and Mandalay were drawing to a close, a conference was held at Monywa in Burma, attended by senior Allied military figures including Admiral Lord Mountbatten, the commander in chief of the Allied South East Asia Command, and General William Slim, commander of Fourteenth Army.

Battle of Yunnan-Burma Road

Its forces were composed of the Fifth, Sixth and Sixty-sixth Army under the command of the Chinese Expeditionary Force in Burma, commanded by Lt. General Joseph Stilwell, Lt. General Luo Zhuoying was his Executive Officer.

Brendan I. Koerner

It is a non-fiction narrative investigating and recounting the story of Herman Perry, an African-American World War II soldier stationed in the China-Burma-India theatre of the war.

Burma and weapons of mass destruction

Based on Win's evidence, Robert Kelley, a former weapons inspector, said he believed Burma "has the intent to go nuclear and it is... expending huge resources along the way."

Burma Global Action Network

A response to Military Than Shwe and the junta's blockade of aid to the Cyclone Nargis aftermath victims, the international community called for a Humanitarian intervention to get aid into the hardest hit areas of Burma.

Chuck Suchy

His song "Burma Shave Boogie" (from his 2008 Unraveling Heart CD) incorporates several rhymes from old Burma-Shave roadside signs into its lyrics.

Crime in Burma

Burma is a major source of prostitutes (an estimate of 20,000–30,000) in Thailand, with the majority of women trafficked taken to Ranong, a location that borders Burma at its south, and Mae Sai, which is located at the eastern tip of Burma.


Myanmar (formerly Burma) has also been the target of disinvestment campaigns (most notably the Massachusetts Burma Law initiated by the state of Massachusetts.) Divestment campaigns have also been directed against Saudi Arabia due to allegations of "gender apartheid."

Help without Frontiers

to implement sustainable projects in cooperation with refugees of various minority groups, such as the Karen people and the Shan people, who are seeking refuge in Thailand and in IDP hideouts in the remote jungle areas inside Burma.

Henry Burney

From 1829 Burney was the British resident envoy to King Bagyidaw's court at Ava in Burma where he successfully negotiated the return of the Kabaw Valley from Manipur to Burma.


She made the journey alone and took a route that led by Horta, Willemstad, Mazatlán, San Francisco, Honolulu, Guam, Yap, Manila, Ambon and Burma.

I've Never Met a Nice South African

He has met the Loch Ness Monster, had a close encounter ('of the 22nd kind, That's when an alien spaceship, Disappears up your behind!'), seen unicorns in Burma, met a working Yorkshire miner and had sunstroke in the Arctic, but despite all these exotic experiences, he has never met a nice South African.

Impatiens balsamina

Impatiens balsamina (garden balsam, garden jewelweed, rose balsam, touch-me-not) is a species of Impatiens native to southern Asia in India and Burma.

Internally displaced person

Burma (Myanmar) has about 503,000 IDPs due to decades of a long Internal conflict in Myanmar and government repression of ethnic minorities as well as Cyclone Nargis.

Jal tarang

The jal tarang developed on the pattern of gongs of gamelan orchestras played in Java, Bali, and Burma (now Myanmar).

James W. Davidson

Leaving in 1914, he spent CAN$250,000 of his own money to establish branches of Rotary International in Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Jerusalem, Burma, Siam (Thailand), Java, and in several of the Malay states including Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Penang, Ipoh, Klang and Singapore.

Japanese cruiser Isuzu

In August, 1942, the Isuzu was reassigned to the Indian Ocean theatre, patrolling between Singapore, Mergui, Burma, Sabang Harbor, Sumatra and Penang, Malaya; however, on 24 August 1942, Isuzu was reassigned back to Makassar.

Kanaung Mintha

In 1978 Ne Win, ruler of Burma since leading a military coup in 1964, married June Rose Bellamy, aka Yadana Nat-Me (Precious Angel), a great granddaughter of Ka Naung, daughter of Princess Hteiktin Ma Lat and Herbert Bellamy, an Australian orchid collector long settled in Burma.

Khin Than Nu

She was born to U Aung Than and Daw Nu, as the eldest of four children, in Pyinmana, Burma.

Lucian Scherman

From October 1910 to December 1911, Scherman and his wife Christine undertook an extended research trip to Ceylon (today Sri Lanka), Burma (today Myanmar), and India (today India and Pakistan).

Maha Bandula Park

The park is bounded by Maha Bandula Garden Street in the east, Sule Pagoda Road in the west, Konthe Road in the south and Maha Bandula Road in the north, and is surrounded by some of the important buildings in the area such as the Sule Pagoda, the Yangon City Hall and the High Court.

Malcolm Ashworth

Volunteering for the British army in 1943, Ashworth was commissioned from the IMA and served as a captain in the Devonshire Regiment and Gloucestershire Regiment during World War II in India, Burma and Malaya (Mentioned in Despatches).

Naga people

The Naga tribes live in the Indian states of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh and the northwestern hill tracts of Burma, such as the Naga Self-Administered Zone (formerly in Sagaing Division).

Ngalaik Dam

Ngalaik Dam is a dam and reservoir in the Pyinmana Township of the Mandalay Region of central Burma.

No. 258 Squadron RAF

After a spell in Burma (under Neil Cameron) the squadron was withdrawn to be re-equipped with American Republic P-47 Thunderbolts.

Nola pumila

It is found in the Indo-Australian tropics, including China (Shanghai), Formosa, Sikkim, Assam, India, Burma, Sulawesi and New Guinea.

Nyo Mya

During his years abroad, he worked as a Burmese language lecturer at Yale University's eastern department, as a Burmese language military news broadcaster, publisher of Burma News (1942–43), adviser of Burma in Washington D.C., chief of Burma department of psychological warfare (1944–45) in Ledo, India.

Railways of Burma

Burma Railway - a railway connecting Thailand and Burma constructed by the Japanese using POW labor during World War II

Rice production in Thailand

Noppadon Pattama, the foreign minister of Thailand, wants to call the forum the Council on Rice Trade Cooperation and was planning, as of May 2008, to invite; China, India, Pakistan, Cambodia, Burma, and Vietnam.

Robin Kinahan

During World War II he joined the Royal Artillery, the 8th (Belfast) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, serving briefly in France before the Dunkirk withdrawal, then in the air defence of Coventry and London before ending up in Burma under General Slim.

Rohingya conflict in Western Burma

On 7 November 2012, one soldier from the Burmese Army was reportedly beheaded and three others were captured by the Muslim rebels, by an armed group of the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO), in their guerrilla offensive against the Burmese army in northern Maungdaw township on the Burma-Bangladesh border.

The Burmese central government refused to grant a separate Muslim state in the Mayu region where two townships (Buthidaung and Maungdaw) lie.

Shooting an Elephant

The essay describes the experience of the English narrator, possibly Orwell himself, called upon to shoot an aggressive elephant while working as a police officer in Burma.

Sino-Burma pipelines

The oil and natural gas pipelines will run in parallel and start near Kyaukphyu, run through Mandalay, Lashio, and Muse in Burma before entering China at the border city of Ruili in Yunnan province.


Tamanthi, Htamanthi or Tamanthe is a village on the Chindwin River in Homalin Township in Hkamti District in the Sagaing Region of northwestern Burma.

Thado Dhamma Yaza

Thalun: Viceroy of Prome (r. 1620–1628), King of Burma (r. 1629–1648)


Tongyi, Mingin Township, village in Kale District, Sagaing Region, Burma

Vampire fish

Dracula fish (Danionella dracula), a species of fish native to Burma


Winwa, Shwegu, a village in Shwegu Township, Bhamo District, in the Kachin State of north-eastern Burma

Wuntho Township

After the British annexed Upper Burma in 1885, Wuntho became a refuge for rebels and Dacoit leaders until in 1891, when a force of 1,800 British soldiers under General Sir George Wolseley occupied the town of Wuntho.

York and Lancaster Regiment

The former 5th Battalion (Territorial Army), which had converted to anti-aircraft artillery in 1936, as the 67th (Y & L) HAA Regiment, Royal Artillery, served in the North African Campaign in 1941 before being transferred to India and then Burma where they were prominent at Imphal, and later at Mandalay.

Yusuf Ma Dexin

After passing through Xishuangbanna, they went south to Burma, then took a riverboat along the Irrawaddy River from Mandalay to Rangoon.

see also