
3 unusual facts about Samsara: Death and Rebirth in Cambodia

Samsara: Death and Rebirth in Cambodia

The Journal of Asian Studies said Samsara was a "beautiful film that conveys a deep sense of sadness" in how it follows Cambodians who try to survive and rebuild their lives.

Her jobs include working as a field coordinator for the International Rescue Committee and as a director of the Cambodian Women's Project for the American Friends Service Committee.

Before Samsara, Ellen Bruno worked in international relief in places like Mexico and on the border of Cambodia and Thailand.

Kanampulla Nayanar

Pleased by the Nayanar's deep devotion, Shiva appeared before him and released him from the cycle of rebirth.

Narasinga Muniyaraiyar Nayanar

The reverence and respect shown by Narasinga Muniyaraiyar earned the benign grace of Shiva and the saint was liberated from the cycle of rebirth.


Supporting the first account, in the Dhammapada, the pleasure and joy that a man receives in his wife and children is called a "soft fetter" that ties individuals to life and suffering, not just through eventual loss and separation of loved ones but more deeply and subtly may act as ties to cyclic existence (samsara).


Samsara is the title of the opening track of the album Deep Blue by Parkway Drive.

Samsara is frequently referenced in the Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga video game series, of which the plot revolves around one point; to reach a paradise called Nirvana.

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