The company was founded in 1843 by Samuel May Williams and passed through a series of owners until its purchase in 1907 the I. H. Kempner family of Galveston.
Over the next few years he fulfilled various roles including postmaster, revenue collector, and secretary to the ayuntamiento of San Felipe, for which he received land totaling 49,000 acres.
Samuel Beckett | John Williams | Robin Williams | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Robbie Williams | Tennessee Williams | Williams College | Samuel Johnson | Samuel Pepys | Ralph Vaughan Williams | Samuel L. Jackson | Ted Williams | Vanessa L. Williams | William Carlos Williams | Hank Williams, Jr. | Hank Williams | Don Williams | Williams | Shirley Williams | Samuel R. Delany | Samuel Barber | Lucinda Williams | Andy Williams | Victoria Williams | Serena Williams | Samuel Goldwyn | Samuel | Brian Williams | Vanessa Williams | Samuel Alito |