The Sanilac Shores Underwater Preserve was established to promote conservation of the submerged historical resources in Lake Huron near Port Sanilac, Michigan.
Remotely operated underwater vehicle | Greater Underwater Propulsion Power Program | Denali National Park and Preserve | National Underwater and Marine Agency | underwater diving | Syd Shores | Mojave National Preserve | underwater photography | Underwater diving | Redwood Shores, California | God Lives Underwater | By the Shores of Silver Lake | Autonomous underwater vehicle | Wetlands Preserve | Underwater World, Singapore | Underwater World | Underwater photography | Temiskaming Shores | preserve | Ocean Shores, Washington | Ocean Shores Video | Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve | Big Cypress National Preserve | Wauconda Bog Nature Preserve | Underwater rugby | Underwater logging | Underwater habitat | Underwater Demolition Team | To the Shores of Iwo Jima | Steven's Creek Heritage Preserve |