In 1966-72, he was Research Fellow in the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, on his own funds from SERC, MRC and MHRF.
Bachelor of Science | National Science Foundation | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Second Vatican Council | World Boxing Council | United States National Research Council | National Research Council | political science | Master of Science | Science | Computer Science | engineering | Privy Council of the United Kingdom | Engineering | British Council | computer science | science | Council of Trent | Council of Europe | Political Science | National Security Council | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation | Legislative Council | Privy Council of England | Mystery Science Theater 3000 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Greater London Council | Council on Foreign Relations | National Academy of Engineering | Lord President of the Council |
BBSRC was created in 1994, merging the former Agricultural and Food Research Council (AFRC) and taking over the biological science activities of the former Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC).
In 1983 he moved, with a Science and Engineering Research Council Fellowship, to the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Brunel University.
He continued to work with Scott as an SRC postdoctoral Research Fellow and Junior Research Fellow of Wolfson College, in Oxford, until 1976, when he moved to the USA, first as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, then, from 1977–1982, as JF Ritt Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Columbia University in New York.
At Cardiff, he was a Member of the Computer Board for British Universities and Research Councils, now JISC (1988–1990), a Member of the SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council) Transport Committee (1982–1985), Chair (1980–1982), then Vice-Chair (1982–1984) of the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Environment and Planning Committee, and Chair of the Conference of Heads Of Planning Schools (CHOPS) 1986-1980.