
unusual facts about Second Army

Battle of Lorraine

The First Army of General Auguste Dubail was to advance on Sarrebourg, while the Second Army of General de Curières de Castelnau headed towards Morhange.

Monastir Offensive

Around that time, when it became clear that the Allies were pulling troops from the eastern flank and were concentrating them against Monastir the commander of the Bulgarian Second Army general Todorov ordered the 7th Rila Division to take positions for an attack over the Struma river, in order to assist the hard pressed Bulgarians and Germans west of the Vardar.

see also

Arthur Pan

General Sir Miles Dempsey DSO MC, The Commander of the British Second Army and the first British Army commander to cross the River Rhine.

Camp George Meade

A Brigade of the First Division, Second Army Corps to Camp Marion, Summerville, South Carolina.

Duan Qirui

After the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising of 1911 against the Qing Dynasty, Duan commanded the loyalist Second Army Corps against the revolutionary army in the Battle of Yangxia and succeeded in taking back Hankou and Hanyang.

Hermann von François

Following that battle and a change of overall commanders (Prittwitz was judged to have lost his nerve by the German High Command), François' corps was transferred by rail to the southwest, to confront the Russian Second Army advancing into southern East Prussia under the command of General Alexander Samsonov.

Jean-Luc Mandaba

After the second army mutiny of 1996, he and Jean Serge Ouafio set up the 'Karako' militia forces, which Patassé then brought into the military to balance the predominance of southern Yakoma in the armed forces inherited from the Kolingba era.

Monastir Offensive

On 4 of October the Allies attacked with the French and Russians in the direction of Monastir - Kenali, the Serbian First and Third Army in along the Kenali - Cherna Loop line, the Serbian Second Army against the Third Balkan Division - in the direction of Dobro Pole.

Organization of the Air Service of the American Expeditionary Force

Paragraph 170 appointed Colonel Frank P. Lahm as Chief of Air Service, Second Army, thus establishing a separate Air Service organization.

Pozzuolo del Friuli

One of the most significant historical events in Pozzuolo has been that of the Battle of Pozzuolo which took place between the 29th and 30 October 1917, following the Battle of Caporetto, where Austro-Hungarian troops reinforced by German divisions managed to break through the Italian front line, and rout the Italian Second Army.

Roman-Etruscan Wars

Camillus and his colleague P. Valerius Potitus Poplicola received command of this second army and the war against the Etruscans.