
5 unusual facts about Seeon Abbey


Seeon Abbey the Seeon Abbey (Kloster Seeon), a monastery in the municipality of Seeon-Seebruck

Seeon Abbey

Between 1657 and 1670 the church was extended by the construction of a sacristy in the Lady Chapel, an oratory and a crypt beneath the chapel of Saint Barbara.

Seeon Abbey (Kloster Seeon) was a Benedictine monastery in the municipality of Seeon-Seebruck in the rural district of Traunstein in Bavaria, Germany.

The Romanesque towers are reminiscent of Freising Cathedral and, like the Frauenkirche at Munich, have copper "onion towers", which were added after a fire in 1561.

More alterations in the late Gothic style were carried out between 1428 and 1433 by Konrad Pürkhel of Burghausen.

see also