
3 unusual facts about Self-efficacy

Behavioural change theories

Self-efficacy is an individual's impression of their own ability to perform a demanding or challenging task such as facing an exam or undergoing surgery.

Goal setting

This can reduce self-efficacy and thereby harm the performance outcomes in the long run.


Psychologist Albert Bandura has defined self-efficacy as one's belief in one's ability to succeed in specific situations.

Accademia del Cimento

In another experiment concerning the efficacy of SnakeStones Kircher used letters from other Jesuits in the field which said snakestones could counteract poison.

Antimicrobial properties of copper

In the interest of protecting public health, especially in heathcare environments with their susceptible patient populations, an abundance of peer-reviewed antimicrobial efficacy studies have been conducted in the past 10 years regarding copper’s efficacy to destroy E. coli O157:H7, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Staphylococcus, Clostridium difficile, influenza A virus, adenovirus, and fungi.

Arena X-Glide

One notable example of the efficacy of this suit design is that of Paul Biedermann of Germany who wore the suit in the 2009 World Championships, breaking two world records.


Occupational burnout, characterized by exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy within the workplace

Cancer and nausea

Benzodiazepines are the only drugs that have been found to reduce the occurrence of ANV but their efficacy decreases with time.

CETP inhibitor

Dalcetrapib, development halted in May 2012 when Phase III trials failed to show clinically meaningful efficacy.

Curse tablet

Frequently, such curse tablets are also inscribed with additional, otherwise meaningless "curse" words such as Bazagra, Bescu, or Berebescu, seemingly in order to lend them a kind of supernatural efficacy.

David Caldicott

He has been an outspoken critic of politicians supporting 'zero-tolerance' and prohibitionist drugs policy, questioning the evidence of their efficacy in preventing morbidity and mortality from illicit substances.


Emamectin has shown efficacy against all life-cycle stages of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Salmon louse) and Caligus elongatus (Sea louse), preventing maturation to the reproductive stage.

Environmental Working Group

Representatives from Schering-Plough (Coppertone), Johnson & Johnson (Neutrogena), and Sun Pharmaceuticals Corp. (Banana Boat) also reiterated their products' safety and efficacy.

Erica Chenoweth

In December 2013, Foreign Policy named Chenoweth one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers of the year "for proving Gandhi right," noting her work on providing evidence for the efficacy of nonviolent political movements.


Many noted health professionals, including Dr. Otis Brawley (author of "How We Do Harm: A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick In America", and currently (as of August 2012) both chief medical officer and executive vice president of the American Cancer Society), have expressed the view that this improvement in efficacy is due to the dose of esomeprazole recommended for therapy rather than any inherent superiority of esomeprazole.

Family resilience

These include Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory, Lazarus’ Stress Theory, Froma Walsh's Family Resilience Framework, and McCubbin and Patterson’s Family Stress and Resilience Model.

Glen Dettman

The Australasian College of Biomedical Science in 1969, appointed Dettman to head a research team to investigate the claims of Archie Kalokerinos in relation to immunization hazards and the efficacy of vitamin C.


Its efficacy has also been questioned with a research Dr. Yoshitaka Fujii having 12 published papers on this topic in Canadian Journal of Anesthesia retracted.


High Intensity discharge lamps (HID) have the most efficacy in terms of Lumen (unit)s of light output vs. power input.

Gun politics in Brazil

The belief of a fundamental natural human right to self-defense, low efficacy of police, high levels of use of illegal weapons in crimes in contrast to a very rare usage of legal weapons, and advocacy by Non Governmental Organizations (N.G.O.) such as the NRA are some of the factors that may have influenced 65% of Brazilian people to decide against the ban.

Human Stem Cells Institute

Development of drugs using histone proteins as vectors for genetic constructs as well as research on the clinical efficacy of using histone H1.3 taking into account its selective anticancer activity.


Hypericum extract, by inducing both the CYP3A4 and the P-glycoprotein (P-gp), can reduce the plasma concentrations of different antineoplastic agents such as imatinib, irinotecan and docetaxel, thus reducing the clinical efficacy of these drugs.

John F. Kerin

For 7 years he was a principal investigator for conducting international multi-centre Food and Drug Administration regulated clinical trials for assessing the safety and efficacy of reproducive technology.

Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate has been used as an experimental treatment of Irukandji syndrome caused by envenomation by certain species of Irukandji jellyfish, however the efficacy of this treatment remains unproven.

Marie Clay

Some researchers, including Diane McGuinness, have raised questions about the efficacy and cost of the program, while also pointing out that Reading Recovery incorporates some ideas and techniques associated with the Whole language approach to reading instruction.

Marilyn Jager Adams

Dr. Adams was Senior Author of the Kindergarten and Grade 1 levels of Open Court Publishing Company's 1995 reading and writing program, "Collections for Young Scholars"; the research-documented efficacy of this program (Foorman et al., 1998) was arguably a major impetus for the focus on better classroom reading programs within the Reading First component of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Mary Ann McLaughlin

Khan RA, Moskowitz DM, Marin ML, Hollier LH, Parsons R, Teodorescu V, McLaughlin MA, Safety and Efficacy of High Dose Adenosine–induced A Systole During Endovascular AAA Repair. J Endovasc Ther 2000; 7:292-296.

Multi-Lamellar Emulsion

The efficacy of MLE on skin barrier was proven by several clinical studies performed in independent University Hospitals and reported in peer-reviewed academic journals, including Journal of Investigative Dermatology, one of the most renowned journals in the field of dermatology.

Non-monetary economy

Father of the time bank, Edgar S. Cahn identifies two concepts as integral to the development of successful community systems: collective efficacy and specialization.

Paul-Louis Simond

In 1897, when Alexandre Yersin was transferred by the Pasteur Institute to a post in Vietnam, his position in Bombay was filled by Simond, who was to test the efficacy of an experimental antiserum against the outbreak of plague in that city.


Published in the April 2007 issue of Nature Neuroscience, their brief communication outlined an experiment designed to test the underlying theory proposed to explain the purported efficacy of declarative memory deficits associated with the mouse model of human Down Syndrome.

Research Excellence Framework

In July 2010 (following the May 2010 general election), the Universities and Science minister David Willetts announced that the REF will be delayed by a year in order to assess the efficacy of the impact measure.


This discovery, which has drastically reduced the adverse effects and improved the efficacy of protease inhibitors and HAART, was first communicated in an article published in the journal AIDS in 1997 by researchers at the University of Liverpool.

Rod Rohrich

Rhoda A. Narins, M.D.; William P. Coleman, M.D.; Rod J. Rohrich, M.D.; Gary Monheit, M.D.; Richard Glogau, M.D.; Fredric Brandt, M.D.; Suzanne Bruce, M.D.; Lawrence Colen, M.D.; Steven Dayan, M.D.; Ian Jackson, M.D.; Corey Maas, M.D.; Alexander Rivkin, M.D.; Anthony Sclafani, M.D.; Joan C. Spivak, M.H.S., "12-Month Controlled Study in the United States of the Safety and Efficacy of Permanent 2.5% Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Soft-Tissue Filler."


In April and September 2012, The Dr. Oz Show featured green coffee extract, and conducted its own placebo-controlled study as to its efficacy.


However, some tumor cells are able to repair this type of DNA damage, and therefore diminish the therapeutic efficacy of temozolomide, by expressing a protein O6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) encoded in humans by the O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene.


It was developed as a potential analgesic after the discovery that the selective ziconotide is an active analgesic with similar efficacy to strong opioid drugs but comparatively milder side effects.

Wall-plug efficiency

Luminous efficacy - Efficacy, weighted by the eye's response to light


It binds to the partial agonist effect at α2 likely to be responsible for the lack of anxiety produced by this drug when compared to older α5-preferring inverse agonists such as L-655,708.

see also