
unusual facts about Serer


A large Laalaa community migrated between 1984 and 1986 to Saal Ngeen in the Tambacounda Region.

Blaise Diagne

Born from a Serer father, Niokhor Diagne and a Manjack mother originating in Guinea-Bissau, Gnagna Anthony Preira, Galaye Mbaye Diagne was born in Gorée, Senegal, he was later adopted by a Christian family who baptised him Blaise.


Maad Saloum, a Serer royal title sometimes called Bour Saloum

Demographics of Mauritania

Arabic (official), French (widely used in media and among educated classes), Pulaar, Soninke, Wolof, Serer.

Diourbel Region

The population is overrun by the Serer people especially those from the Cangin group, the Safene in particular.


An annual royal festival is celebrated in which the OMaad (Serer king), Djaraaf (Serer prime minister) and other dignitaries meet to decide kingdom issues and hold pageants celebrating the history of Saloum and the Serer people.

Kahone is the royal seat of the Serer Kingdom of Saloum which has ruled there since the 15th century after the Battle of Turubang (1335) and centuries previous to that.

Also, the town is pursuing increased tourism based on its ancient Serer culture.


Lamane, the landed gentry as well the title of ancient kings of the Serer people

Lehar Region

The Lehar (Serer & Laalaa : Laah or Laa, other variants : Lâ or Léhar) is a Region in the western part of Senegal, located in north of Thies.

Pterocarpus erinaceus

Other names for the tree include bani in Fulfulde, tolo in Djerma, and ban in Serer.

Rafael Calvo Serer

Rafael Calvo Serer (born 6 October 1916 at Valencia, Spain, died 19 April 1988 at Pamplona, Navarra, Spain) was a Professor of History of Spanish Philosophy, a writer, essayist.


They are the Serer hereditary "Rain priests" - guardians of the Serer religion and customs, a birth right they inherited from their ancient Lamanic ancestors.

The Lamanes, - the ancient Serer kings and landed gentry, should not be confused with the post-Guelowar Lamanes who were merely the landed gentry and provincial chiefs answerable to the king.

see also